Please be sure to test below SQL on your test/dev instances before running on the prod database instance.
merge into key_seq_generator d using ( select p.identifier as parent_id, count(c.identifier) as children from catissue_specimen p inner join catissue_specimen c on c.parent_specimen_id = p.identifier where c.label is not null group by p.identifier ) s on (d.key_type = 'PSPEC_UID' AND d.key_value = to_char(s.parent_id)) when matched then update set d.key_sequence_id = to_char(s.children) when not matched then insert (identifier, key_type, key_value, key_sequence_id) values (key_generator_seq.nextval, 'PSPEC_UID', to_char(s.parent_id), to_char(s.children))