OpenSpecimen can be integrated with any automated freezer and do the operation like put/retrieve specimen. To work integration need to do below configuration.
Step 1: Register auto freezer provider
We need to register provider and set properties which are used to connect with freezer.
To register provider invoke below REST API
URL | http://<host>:<port>/openspecimen/rest/ng/auto-freezer-providers |
Method | POST |
Input JSON | { "name": "Any thing that makes sense" "implClass": "Concrete Java class that implements the interface AutomatedFreezer", "props": { "prop1": "custom property1 required for the AutomatedFreezer implementation", "prop2": "custom property2 required for the AutomatedFreezer implementation", . . . } } |
Example | { "name": "Hamilton Bios", "implClass": "com.krishagni.autofreezers.hamilton.core.BiosFreezer", "props": { "url": "http://localhost:9000/api/v11/", "user": "admin", "password": "admin", "barcode_type": “ECC 200“, "job_priority": "100", "job_optimization_mode": "System", "job_destination_labware_type": "IOCassette" } } |
Step 2: Set intended storage container as autofreezer.
Create a dimensionless container in OS from UI. To specify that container as automated freezer need to invoke below API. Once we do this step add/retrieve the specimens from this container will invoke APIs of the actual automated freezer.
URL | http://<host>:<port>/openspecimen/rest/ng/storage-containers/{id} |
Method | PATCH |
JSON | { "automated" : true, "autoFreezerProvider" : "Provider Name" } |
Example: | { "automated" : true, "autoFreezerProvider" : "Hamilton Bios" } |