Import Supply Items
You can create/update items using bulk import. For more details, refer to a wiki page.
Export Supply Items
To export supplies, go to Types → Supplies → Items → Export.
Export consumption report
To export a report on the supplies consumption, go to 'Supplies' → Click any supply Type → Click on 'Items' → 'Export'. You can filter supplies using various filters to export a report of selected supplies.
Creating new supply by moving the items from the existing supply
You can create a new supply with items that belong to the existing supply. This feature is helpful when you added a bunch of items to one supply and want to create a new supply using those items. Refer to a wiki page for more details.
Moving supply items from existing supply to another existing supply
You can create a new supply with items that belong to the existing supply. This feature is helpful when you added a bunch of items to one supply and want to move it to another supply. Refer to a wiki page for more details.
Supply Items Expiry
Expired supply items get automatically marked as "Expired" after the specified expiry date is given in supply with the description ‘Auto expired.’
If you add any items in the supply after its expiry date, you can’t use them.