Versions Compared


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Table of Contents

Steps to Import CSV

  1. Log in and go to the CP overview page.

  2. Click on the 'More' button and select 'Import Events' from the dropdown.

3. Click on 'Download Template File' to download the template file from the 'Import Events' page.

4. Enter all valid data in the template file as mentioned in the 'Data Dictionary' table.

5. Upload the filled template file in the 'Input Records File' field, select 'Import Type' as 'Create' to create or 'Update' to update events.

6. Click on the 'Validate and Import' button.

7. Refer to 'Import status' to check the status of the import job.

Copy events from one env to other


We come across use cases where events in live Collection Protocols (CPs) needs to be updated or client analysts make changes across multiple CPs and needs to move them into other env. From v10.3 it is possible to export-import events across single/multiple/all collection protocols.


  1. Select collection protocol/s from list view from env 1 (e.g.Test)

  2. Export events which you need to update

  3. Remove the 'Identifier' column in CSV

  4. Import into env 2 (e.g.Prod )(if CP short title matches, system will update events)

  5. In Prod, 'Close' all the events/ SRs which you don't want people to use


OpenSpecimen does allow you to update the events for existing collection protocols. If there are any associated visits/ specimens collected, you will not be able to delete event. However, you have an option to close current event and start collecting using new event.

Sample CSV


Data Directory
