Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


6. com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: Row size too large. The maximum row size for the used table type, not counting BLOBs, is 65535. This includes storage overhead. Check the manual. You have to change some columns to TEXT or BLOBs.


When CRF has many fields (100-200), the database doesn’t allow pulling all these fields in OS. Resulting OS throws the above error.

To resolve this error, you can either exclude the fields/CRFs you don’t want to sync in OS or include only those fields/CRFs you wish to pull from OC into OID mapping csv.

Refer to for steps to import the mapping csvRefer to the wiki page for more details.

7. java.lang.RuntimeException: Error retrieving participants of the site: I-Spy2: 400: Error: {"message":"errorCode.studyNotExist","params":{"siteOid":null,"studyOid":"I-SPY2"}}



When the OC field has any value that is not configured in the OS, this error occurs. E.g., In the ‘Clinical Diagnosis’ dropdown field has PV values like 10 weeks gestation, 13 weeks gestation, etc. These values are not available in OS for the mapped field, then the data for these subjects won’t sync.

To resolve this, add the same values in the OS dropdown as OC.

12. SQL error: 'com.mysql.cj.jdbc.exceptions.MysqlDataTruncation: Data truncation: Data too long for column 'OIDS_MAPPINGDE_A_(n)' at row 1. Please report this error to the system administrator. (COMMON_SQL_EXCEPTION)


When you try to add a huge number of fields in the OID mapping sheet, and the max data limit exceeds, this error occurs. The max data it can store is 64 KB.

Execute below DDL. This will ensure you can store up to 16 MB.

Code Block
alter table os_oc_studies change oids_mapping oids_mapping mediumtext;


', where n is any number.


This error means the data that you are trying to insert/update cannot be stored in column DE_A_(n) because of its size limitation.

Steps to resolve:

  1. Login to DB and find the table where the column DE_A_(n) is stored. Run below SQL:

Code Block
select cast (xml as char) from dyextn_containers where name = '<Form Name>'
  1. In the first few lines of the XML, you will find the table name in the <dbTable> tag, e.g., DE_E_11607.

  2. Now run the below command to increase the size of the column.

Syntax of the code: alter table <table_name> change <column_name where issue is found> mediumtext;

Check the below example code for the reference:

Code Block
alter table DE_E_11607 change DE_A_37 mediumtext;

13. 502 Bad Gateway Error. An error was encountered when invoking the OpenClinica API. The details are present in the error log file.


The ‘502 Bad Gateway Error’ occurs when the source server is down or not reachable. Please contact client to get this resolved.

14. Specimen label already exists.


When duplicate specimen labels are entered in OpenClinica. OpenSpecimen syncs the first specimen and throws error for second duplicate specimen that this Specimen label already exists in the system.

To resolve this issue user needs to update the OpenClinica data entry and remove the specimen label which is entered more than once.