
  1. Go to CP overview> Participants > Add

  2. Enter the participant details

  3. At the end of the page, click on “Proceed to Consents”

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    Click on “Add” for adding the consent Image Added

  4. If the ‘Surveys’ have been configured in the CP settings and the participant conditions match the survey conditions, you will be redirected directly to the appropriate form. Refer ‘Surveys ’ for more information

  5. If no surveys are configured or the survey conditions don’t match the participant registration, you will be redirected to the below page

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    Add- Allows you to enter the responses in consent collector mode.

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    This is used when co-ordinator is filling in the survey responses along with the participant
    Survey Mode- Allows you to enter responses in the Survey mode. This is used when participant is asked to fill in the survey responses

  6. Choose the consent that you want to enter from the dropdown

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Survey Mode

This is used when you want to hand over a tablet or the desktop to the participant. The survey can be filled in two different modes:


titlePrint the consent document
  1. Go to Participant > Overview > Consents tab

  2. Click on the consent document title which is to be printed

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  3. Click on “Print” at the top of the consent document

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  4. In case a printer is not attached, the document can be saved as a PDF document.


titleSteps to email consent form to participants
  1. Go to Participant list page of a CP

  2. Select the participants whom you want to email the consents. Click on “Email Survey” at the top

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  3. Participants and their email addresses appear on the next screen. Click on “Next”.

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  4. Select one or more consent forms to be emailed from the dropdown. Click “Submit” once done.

  5. A success message appears that survey links have been sent to the participants. User redirected to the “Survey Links” overview page

  6. You can email consents to more participants by going to Participant List Page > More > Survey Links > Email Survey. Follow steps 3 and 4 after clicking “Email Survey”
