Versions Compared


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Feature available in v5.0 and onwards. Below mentioned code block is to setup the visit lookup step. For searching the participants, MRN/EMPI can be used and for visits 'Visit name' or 'Accession Number'

Below is the section from the code block which is configurable.

  •  "searchAttrs":  The user is only able to change the 'Caption' of the MRN, Visit Name and Surgical Pathology Number and not able to add the new extra fields.

Example: In the below code 'Visit Name' renamed to 'Bank Number' (Refer the first screenshot)

  • "matchTable": The user is able to add any fields of Participant and Visit in the matchTable section.

Example: In the below code block, added the Visit Name, Visit Date and Surgical Pathology Number. (Refer the second screenshot)

  • "matchTableOpts": This section is used to display the result table based on order of any field.

Example: In the below code block, the search visit table is sorted in descending order of the visit date.

Code Block
    "name": "visitsLookup",
    "data": {
      "enable": true,
     /* matchTableOpts is used to sort the matching visit based on Visit date*/
	"matchTableOpts": {																			
          "sortAttr": "visit.visitDate",
          "sortDirection": "desc"
      "matchTable": [
          "name": "",
          "baseField": "",
          "caption": "Bank Number"
          "name": "visit.visitDate",
          "baseField": "visit.visitDate"
          "name": "visit.surgicalPathologyNumber",
          "baseField": "visit.surgicalPathologyNumber",
          "caption": "Accession Number"
      "searchAttrs": [
        "attr": "EMPI_MRN",
        "caption": "MRN"
        "attr": "VISIT_NAME",
        "caption": "Bank Number"
        "attr": "SPR_NO",
        "caption": "Accession Number"
