Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Go to the OpenClinica Study Configuration page of the study → Click on Import Logs → Download the csv file.


  1. Error importing CRF: PATHOLOGY","java.lang.RuntimeException: Following special characters in form names not allowed: [+-/*(){}%. ]

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The error states that there are specimen characters like +-/*(){}%, whitespaces (space, tab, newline, carriage return, etc.) in the CRF name. The OC connector uses the OID as the form name. These special characters are not allowed in the DE form names, hence the error.

Also, when importing the OID mapping CSV file, make sure that the column ‘OS_FORM_NAME’ does not contain any special characters.

For example, a form name can be added as ‘PATHOLOGY_DATA’ and not 'PATHOLOGY DATA.'

Fix: Clean up the CRFs to ensure they don't contain special characters mentioned in the log file in the CRF.


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When forms get corrupted due to any possible reason, this error occurs. In this case, you need to delete the existing form and resync the data for that form. Run below API to delete the form in OpenSpecimen.

  1. Invoke the REST API using either Postman or HTTP client.

    Image Modified

    <app_url> : Server URL where the forms are available. 

    {FormId}: Form identifier for which you are getting an error. Get this from the #2 step.

    <username>: OpenSpecimen Username 

    <password>: OpenSpecimen Password

  2. Form ID can be retrieved from DB using below SQL

    Code Block
    select identifier, name from dyextn_containers where name = '<form_OID>';

form_OID: You will get the form OID from XML of CRF from OC.



When you try to add a huge number of fields in the OID mapping sheet, and the max data limit exceeds, this error occurs. The max data it can store is 64 KB.

Execute below DDL. This will ensure you can store up to 16 MB.

Code Block
alter table os_oc_studies change oids_mapping oids_mapping mediumtext;

Or else you can add only the required field as include in the OID mapping sheet. Refer to for steps to import the mapping csv.

13. 502 Bad Gateway Error. An error was encountered when invoking the OpenClinica API. The details are present in the error log file.


The ‘502 Bad Gateway Error’ occurs when the source server is down or not reachable. Please contact client to get this resolved.