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This API is available for update the user. You can update user through the HTTP PUT method, URL  http://<host>:<port>/catissuecore/rest/ng/users/{userId}


Below are the attributes which need to be sent in the request body:

userIdUser Id of the user
firstNameFirst name of the user
middleNameMiddle name of the user
domainNameIt is the name of the authentication domain. You cannot able to change domain of the user once user has been created  
emailAddressEmail Address of the user. This attribute should be unique in catissue application

Login Name through which user can login to catissue application, should be unique in authentication domains.

You cannot able to change domain of the user once user created

siteNamesName of the sites to which the user belongs
roleNamesName if the roles which user has. It can be one or many. By default its scientist in application
cpTitlesName of the collection protocols to which user belongs.

Activity status of the user, permissible values are

{active, closed, pending, disabled}

deptNameName of department to which user belongs
comments [optional]Comments on user given by admin while approval
countryCountry of the user
state [optional]State of the user
city [optional]City of the user
zipCodeZipCode of the user
phoneNumber [optional]Phone number of the user
faxNumber [optional]Fax number of the user

API Example :

    "siteNames":["My group", "New Site"],
    "roleNames" : ["adminstrator"],
    "cpTitles":["MyCp", "Test Cp"],
    "deptName":"Department of onchology",
    "comments":"bla bla bla",


    "id" : 1,
    "siteNames":["My group", "New Site"],
    "roleNames" : ["adminstrator"],
    "cpTitles":["MyCp", "Test Cp"],
    "deptName":"Department of onchology",
    "comments":"bla bla bla",


 Error Cases :

Applies to
Status Message
200All resourcesUser has been updated successfully
400All requestsInvalid parameters, e.g  duplicate Login Name, duplicate Email Address, blank First Name etc
401All requestsAuthorization failed, User doesn’t have Authority
404All requestsUser not found, User with given details not present in the system
500All requestsInternal server error, Encountered server error while performing operations




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