Participant Registrations CSV
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Participant Registrations CSV



  1. The user has create/update access on participants.
  2. The user has access to CPs under which the participants have to be registered.

Steps to import CSV

  • Go to the collection protocols list page, click on 'Import' button, and select the option 'Biospecimen Data'

  • Select 'Participant Registrations' from the 'Select Record Type' drop-down and click on 'Download Template File' to download the template file.

  • Enter all valid data in the template file as mentioned in the below 'Data Dictionary' table.
  • Upload the filled template file in the 'Input Records File' field, select 'Import Type' as 'Create' to create or 'Update' to update participants registrations or 'Update Else Create' to either create or update record. For the 'Update Else create' feature please refer to Create & Update in Single Bulk Operation.
  • Click on the 'Validate and Import' button.
  • Refer 'Import status' to check the status of import job.

Sample CSV


Data Dictionary

Column Name

PHI Field?Datatype





DescriptionPermissible ValuesValidations
CPR#1#CP Short TitleNoStringYesDependsCollection Protocol to which the participant is to be registered

Should be an existing CP within OS.

CPR#1#PPIDNoStringDependsYesUnique ID generated for the participant per protocol. This can be auto-generated by the system or manually assigned by the user.

Should be unique within a CP.

It should be left blank if auto-generation is ON. 

CPR#1#Registration DateNoDateYesNo

Select the correct date format from UI based on the data in the file

CPR#1#Registration SiteNoStringNoNoThe site where the participant enrolled in the study/protocol.

CPR#1#External Subject ID NoStringNoNoUnique study or system ID assigned to participants by external systems like OpenClinica, REDCap, etc.

CPR#1#Activity Status
Activity status of the participant to be registered under CP-1. Used to reactivate or delete participants in bulk.
  • Active
  • Disabled

The value should be 'Active' during creation or kept blank in which case it will take the default value as 'Active.'

While deleting participants, change this value to 'Disabled' and import the CSV having columns CP Short Title, PPID, and Activity Status in 'Update' mode.

First NameYesStringNoNo

Last NameYesStringNoNo

Middle NameYesStringNoNo

Date Of BirthYesDateNoNo

Select the correct date format from UI based on the data in the file

Death DateYesDateNoNo

Select the correct date format from UI based on the data in the file

  • Female
  • Male
  • Unknown
  • Undifferentiated


Add an extra column for the participant with multiple races. E.g.

Race#1, Race#2, etc.

  • American Indian or Alaska Native
  • Asian
  • Black or African American
  • Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
  • Not Reported
  • Unknown
  • White

Vital StatusNoStringNoNo
  • Alive
  • Dead
  • Unknown
  • Unspecified

  • Hispanic or Latino
  • Not Hispanic or Latino
  • Not Reported
  • Unknown


Social Security Number for US locale

National Identification Number for other countries

Should be unique within OS

eMPIYesStringNoNoEnterprise Master Patient Index
Should be unique within OS
Activity Status
  • Active
  • Disabled
The value should be 'Active' during creation or kept blank in which case it will take the default value as 'Active.'
PMI#1#MRNYesStringNoNoMedical Record Number (unique identification given by the site)
Should be unique within a site
PMI#1#Site NameNoStringNoNo

The site which issued the MRN

Should be an existing site within OS

  1. To add the same participant to multiple CPs, add additional columns with CPR#2 instead of CPR#1. 
  2. You can register existing participant to another protocol using this template, refer to the wiki page for more details.
  3. Participant custom fieldsIf any custom form is attached at the 'Participant' level, the custom fields will appear in the template.
  4. On updating the participants' activity status to 'Disabled,' any dependent data like visits or specimens collected for this participant will be deleted. This is the force delete feature that is available on the UI as well.

  5. You can update participants based on any of the following:
    • EMPI (Only Update import type can be used)
    • MRN and its Site (Only Update import type can be used)
    • CP Short Title and PPID (Update import type and Upsert import types can be used)

Update MRNs for existing participants

If there are existing participants with multiple MRNs, updating or deleting MRNs can be done in bulk. For example, a participant has 4 sets of MRN sites, and MRN values entered into OpenSpecimen. To delete one of the MRN site and corresponding MRN value, follow the below steps:

  1. For the participants to be updated, export its identifier(system generated) and MRN data using the query module.
  2. Download the participant bulk import template, copy values from exported data from step #1 to this template form under 'Identifier', 'MRNs' and 'Sites'. Keep only those MRNs and Sites that you do not want to delete. 
  3. Run participant update using bulk import with the file created at step2. This will delete the MRNs which are missing in the CSV imported.

Refer to 'Sample file'.


In the bulk import CSV, keep the MRNs and Site, which you do not want to delete. OpenSpecimen deletes the ones which are not present in the CSV once you run the participant update bulk import.

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