v10.1 Release Notes
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v10.1 Release Notes


We are happy to announce that v10.1 is ready for download! This release includes new features, usability enhancements, and bug fixes requested by customers. 

Tech stack upgrade: OpenSpecimen now uses Java 17 instead of Java 1.8.

New features include:

  • New tokens at the visit level

  • Specimen - Storage site-based specimen edit check access

  • Specimen - Check in check out

  • Specimen - Edit closed/disposed specimens

  • Workflows Plugin: List of tasks, form and table view with validations, navigation to the previous step









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Visit sequence tokens

Reported by: Emory

  1. PPI_UID - Generates unique, monotonically incrementing number for every visit of the patient/participant.

  2. PUID(n) - Generates monotonically incrementing counter for use in visit names. The counter is incremented for every visit of the participant across multiple CPs.

Refer to https://openspecimen.atlassian.net/l/cp/dufnHvca for more details.

Storage site-based edit access check

Reported by: Washington University and University of Adelaide

A user who does not have access to the site where the specimen is stored is not allowed to edit the specimen. This feature can be enabled/disabled at the CP level.

Refer to https://openspecimen.atlassian.net/l/cp/UHFojiBZ for more details.

Specimen Check-in Check-out

Reported by: Fred Hutch Cancer Center

Refer to https://openspecimen.atlassian.net/l/cp/FMRoAzMn for more details

  1. Check-out specimens for research using the Retrieve option

  2. Positions for these specimens will be blocked until check-in or the user unblocks them

  3. Check-in specimens using the Transfer option

  4. Check-out specimens while distribution and check-in when returned

  5. Transfer events capture the ‘CHECK-IN/CHECK-OUT' status

  6. Query for all checked-out samples

  7. Bulk import using specimen, order and return template for check-in/check-out

Edit closed/disposed specimen

Reported by: Weill Cornell

Refer to https://openspecimen.atlassian.net/l/cp/0idC3ZX0 for more details

  1. User can now edit the specimens in closed or disposed state.

  2. Few actions like editing specimens fields, add/edit custom forms, add/edit specimens events are allowed

  3. Other actions like storing, distributing, shipping, creating child samples/pooled samples is not allowed

Workflows Plugin Enhancements

Reported by: Arizona, University Medical Center, Groningen

New features:

  • Added list of tasks to be performed on the samples

  • Configuring form or table view in workflow along with validations

  • Ability to navigate back to the previous step in the workflow

This is a paid plugin. Please contact us if you are interested to get a quote for this module.

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