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Steps to import CSV

  1. Go to the containers' list page
  2. Click on 'Import' button from containers list page and select option 'Containers'
  3. Click on 'Download Template File' to download the template file from 'Import Containers' page

  4. Enter all valid data in the template file as mentioned in the below 'Data Dictionary' table
  5. Upload the filled template file in 'Input Records File' field, select 'Import Type' as 'Create' to create or 'Update' to update containers
  6. Click on 'Validate and Import' button
  7. Refer 'Import status' to check the status of import job

Sample CSV


Data Dictionary

Column Name






DescriptionPermissible ValuesValidations
IdentifierIntegerNoDependsSystem generated unique identifier for each container. Can be used to update the container name.


Should be unique within the system

Should be unique within the system
Used forStringNo
Type of service provided.


Type NameStringNoNoOn providing the storage type name, properties like dimension and labeling scheme are fetched from the type if not provided in the file.
Should be an existing storage container type
Activity StatusStringNoNo
  • Active
  • Disabled
The value should be 'Active' during creation or kept blank in which case it will take default value as 'Active'
Site NameStringDependsNoThe site where the storage container should be stored
Mandatory only for parent containers. Not needed if the parent container is specified.

No. of ColumnsIntegerDependsNo

Mandatory if it is not a dimensionless container
No. of RowsIntegerDependsNo

Mandatory if it is not a dimensionless container
Position Labeling ModeStringNoNoSpecifies whether to use (row, column) coordinates or integers like 1, 2, 3 etc to identify positions within the container. By default, when not specified, (row, column) coordinates labeling mode is used.
  • LINEAR/Linear,
  • TWO_D/two_d/Two_D

Column Labeling SchemeStringNoNo
  • Numbers
  • Alphabets Upper Case
  • Alphabets Lower Case
  • Roman Upper Case
  • Roman Lower Case

Default Value: Numbers

Row Labeling SchemeStringNoNo
  • Numbers
  • Alphabets Upper Case
  • Alphabets Lower Case
  • Roman Upper Case
  • Roman Lower Case
Default Value: Numbers
Position AssignmentStringNoNoThe position assignments of the containers.
Default Value: Horizontal, top down, left to right
Allowed Specimen Class#1StringNoNoRestrict container by specimen class(es).
  • Fluid
  • Molecular
  • Tissue
  • Cell

Allowed Specimen Type#1StringNoNoRestrict container by specimen type(s). User can add more restrictions by adding new columns 'Allowed Specimen Type#2', 'Allowed Specimen Type#3' etcPermissible Values File
Allowed Collection Protocol#1StringNoNoRestrict container by collection protocol(s).
One or more existing collection protocols associated with the site selected
Stores SpecimenBooleanNoNoWill this container directly store specimens within in? E.g. a "freezer" or a rack does not store specimens, whereas a box stores specimens.
  • true
  • false

Storage Location#Parent Container NameStringNoNoShould be specified if the created container is a child container. E.g, rack is stored within a freezer.

Storage Location#ColumnIntegerNoNoThe position of this container in its parent container. E.g. a rack stored in a freezer at (1,1) or (1,a) etc.

Storage Location#RowIntegerNoNoThe position of this container in its parent container. E.g. a rack stored in a freezer at (1,1) or (1,a) etc.

Storage Location#PositionIntegerNoNoLinear position in its parent container

Create dimensionless storage containers

  1. Specify the name of the container and site name under which the dimensionless container has to be created in the template file
  2. Do not specify No. of columns, No. of rows, Labelling schemes etc.

Sample CSV


  • No labels