Summary reports (Pivot table)
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Summary reports (Pivot table)

OpenSpecimen query interface allows users to create count based summary reports (i.e. pivot table based reports). E.g.

  1. Monthly collection summary per collection protocol of count of specimens collected by specimen type.
  2. Count of specimens by specimen type and disease
  3. Count of participants by ethnicity and race


Non-Super Admins cannot run Pivot Tables containing PHI fields.

Example: Count of participants by race and ethnicity per protocol

Download Query Definition (JSON)

Step 1: Create the query with filters as per needs. If the query should return all participants, you can use 'Participant Id Exists' as shown below:

Step 2: Click on 'View Records. From the results view, click on 'Columns' and select the columns required in the report. 

Note: Since you need count of participants, you will need to include a field which is unique to all participants like 'Participant ID' or 'eMPI'

In the example above, columns selected are 'Collection Protocol→ Short title', 'Participant → Participant ID, Race, Ethnicity'.

Step 3: Click on 'Next'. Select the field based on which the count should be calculated.

Step 4: Select the report type 'Pivot table' and set the required rows and columns.