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How to duplicate a form?

Forms created using 'Forms' can be exported and imported to make copies on the same OpenSpecimen or across instances like test and production OpenSpecimen.

Below are steps to follow to create a copy of the form.

Step 1: Export a form

  1. Navigate to the forms list page

  2. Click on the export option

Screenshot 2024-05-20 133134.png

This downloads an XML file or a ZIP file (containing XML and CSV files). 

Step 2a: Importing a form on another OpenSpecimen instance where no form with this name exists:

  • Go to forms list

  • Click on Import and select the XML or Zip file.

  • Save the form

  • Go back to the forms list and attach the form to the appropriate level and one or more collection protocols.

Step 2b: Importing a form on same OpenSpecimen instance to make a copy

  • Open the XML file in an editor. If the downloaded file is a zip file, extract the zip contents and open the XML

  • Edit the below tags in the XML to change the form name

    Note: make sure the name under <name></name> tag has no spaces or special character, should not start with a number

    Once the XML is edited, recreate the zip and export using steps mentioned in 2a.

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