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Populate the correct specimen type id in specimen requirement and specimen table.

Reason: When upgrading from v6.1 to v6.3, there was a bug in migration script, which was populating the specimen_type for ‘Not Specified’ dropdown values as ‘Not Specified - <Class>’. The actual dropdown value was ‘<Class> - Not Specified’. Due to this, in specimen requirement and specimen table, NULL specimen_type_id was populated. The issue is fixed in 7.0 builds.

Specimen Requirements

Check NULL specimen_type_id present in the specimen requirement table.

select count(*) from catissue_cp_req_specimen where (specimen_class_id is null or specimen_type_id is null) and activity_status != 'Disabled';

Step 1: Take a backup of the existing specimen requirement table.

create table cat_cp_req_specimen_bk as select * from catissue_cp_req_specimen;

Step 2: Note down the dropdown IDs for each specimen class/type.

Query 1: select identifier from catissue_permissible_value where value='<specimen_type>';

Query 2: select identifier from catissue_permissible_value where value='<specimen_class>';


Specimen Class: Cell and Specimen Type: Cell - Not Specified

select identifier from catissue_permissible_value where value='Cell - Not Specified'; select identifier from catissue_permissible_value where value = 'Cell';

Step 3: Update specimen_type_id for each specimen class/type in specimen requirement table.

For Cell:

update catissue_cp_req_specimen set specimen_type_id = <output identifier of query 1> where specimen_type = 'Not Specified - Cell' and activity_status != 'Disabled' and specimen_type_id is null and specimen_class_id = <output identifier of query 2>;

For Molecular:

For Tissue:

For Fluid:

Run the first query again to check if any records are present with specimen_type_id = NULL.


Check NULL specimen_type_id in the specimen table.

Step 1: Backup the existing specimen table.

Step 2: Update the specimen table.

For Cell:

For Molecular:

For Tissue:

For Fluid:

Run the initial query from the specimen section to make sure there is no specimen_type_id with a NULL value.

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