Email Surveys to Participants
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Email Surveys to Participants

Introduced in v7.0.


Forms (like surveys, questionnaires, medical history, clinical history, etc.) can be collected directly from participants via email. Data gets recorded in OpenSpecimen once the patient clicks on the link and enters the data.

This option is named “Survey Invitations” is present under the “More” option of the Participant List page.


  • More than one form can be emailed to participants

  • Reminder emails are sent if forms not filled

  • Email template per survey can be defined

  • The number of days for which the link remains active can be configured

  • Only participant level forms are supported


  1. Email notifications should be enabled at the system level.


  2. Email address for the participants should be present.

Starting v7.0, email address is a standard field in the participant page.

For CPs with workflow attached, ensure that the participant core field is used to record the email address. Add the below definition to dictionary section along with participant registration fields for using the core email address field:

{ "name" : "cpr.participant.emailAddress", "caption" : "Email Address", "type" : "text", "optional" : true, "metainfo" : { "phi" : "true" } },

Emailing the Forms to Participant


  1. In order to email the participant forms and/or consent forms, the user should have at least the following privilege:
    a. Participant (PHI): Read, Update privileges
    b. Consents: Read, Update privileges

  2. The surveys should already be designed at the CP level. For details on how to design the surveys, refer Surveys wiki page.

Follow the below steps to email consents/ forms:

  1. Go to Participant List Page > More > Survey Invitations


  2. This will redirect to the list page of “Survey Invitations” that shows the below details:



  3. Click on the “Email Survey” option at the top of the page


  4. Enter the PPIDs in the text box available. Click on “Add”


  5. The participants added appear in the next screen with their email address. If an email address is not present, it will display that row in red. You can remove that participant by clicking on the “x” in front of that row. Click “Next”



  6. Click on the “Select Survey” dropdown. All the surveys present for that CP will be visible here. Select the appropriate survey and click on “Submit” to send the email, and click “Previous” to add/remove the participants


  7. A success message will be displayed in green and the mails is sent to participants as per the template defined for the survey

Configuring Expiry of a Survey Link

The links emailed will expire if not filled in within a certain number of days. The expiry can be set per survey using the ‘Invitation Age’ field.

More details on how to edit the survey to set the invitation age- Surveys

Also, it can be set at the system level using the system settings as below

  1. Go to Settings > Survey Link Age


  2. Edit the value and click “Update”


Viewing survey invitations

The survey invitations that have been mailed to participants can be viewed by going to the Participant List Page > More > Survey Invitations

The consent responses that are filled up can be seen from the Participant Overview > Consents tab

The participant/registration form responses can be viewed from Participant Overview Page > Forms tab


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