Search based on MRNs
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Search based on MRNs
Example: User has a list of MRNs for participants who were given a treatment (or treated with drug 'X'). The user needs to check for samples taken from these participants and stored in the biobank.
User can create a query in OpenSpecimen and check for the samples on the basis of MRN by following the steps mentioned below:
- Select MRN from the participant form
- Add filter on MRN with operator 'Is One Of' and paste the MRN values in the text box provided
- The values can be comma, tab or new line separated
- Add a filter for specimen, for example - Type equals 'Serum'
- Click on 'View Records'
- To select the desired columns for participant, visit, specimen click on 'Columns'
- Select the fields to be displayed in the results
- To export these results click on 'Export'. This would download a CSV file with the query results
Refer to the sample query to fetch participants with a few MRNs ("12345", "123", "45565") having serum samples.
Link to the demo site to try out the query - http://demo.openspecimen.org/openspecimen/#/