Initialise values based on other fields
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Initialise values based on other fields

OpenSpecimen allows the initialization of field values using other field values (core or custom fields).

For example:

  • The visit date can be set to default as the registration date.
  • Specimen collection date => Registration date/Visit date
  • Created on => Registration date
  • Accession date (custom field) => Registration date/Visit date

Example 1: By using "defaultValue": "field:visit.visitDate", the collection date is set to show visit date as the default value.

  "name": "specimen.collectionEvent.time",
  "caption": "Collection Time",
  "type": "datetime",
  "defaultValue": "field:visit.visitDate", //visit date value will be displayed as default
  "optional": true,
  "showIf": {
    "op": "AND",
    "rules": [
        "field": "specimen.lineage",
        "op": "==",
        "value": "'New'"

Example 2: By using "defaultValue" : "field: specimen.parent.extensionDetail.attrsMap.ST2" code in "derivedSpecimens" section, the custom field value from parent specimen will be defaulted to its derived specimens.


  1. To make this code work, you need to create parent specimens first.
  2. Once you create the parent specimen, you can add derivatives/aliquots.
   "name" : "specimen.extensionDetail.attrsMap.ST2",
   "baseField" : "specimen.extensionDetail.attrsMap.ST2",
   "caption" : "Cell Line ID",
   "defaultValue" : "field: specimen.parent.extensionDetail.attrsMap.ST2",
   "width" : "80px",
   "optional" : false

Example 3: By using "defaultValue" : "field: specimen.parent.initialQty" code in "derivedSpecimens" section, the initial quantity value from the parent specimen will be defaulted to its derived specimens.


  1. To make this code work, you need to create parent specimens first.
  2. Once you create the parent specimen, you can add derivatives/aliquots.
        "name" : "specimen.initialQty",
        "caption" : "Quantity",
        "type" : "specimen-quantity",
        "defaultValue" : "field: specimen.parent.initialQty",
        "optional" : true