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System Jobs
System jobs are scheduled jobs that run in the background automatically. These jobs perform tasks like sending alerts, clearing older log files, clearing staged participants, etc. All the default system jobs are listed below:
Job Title | Plugin/Standard | Job Description |
Automated freezers report | Automated freezers plugin | Sends email with status of specimens stored/retrieved from the automated Freezers. |
Update OpenClinica Study Data Importer | OpenClinica integration plugin | Sync data from OpenClinica for all configured CPs. |
Update Consent responses digest | eConsents plugin | Email digest with a list of participants who consented on that day. |
Update Collection protocol coordinators report | Standard | Sends email to the Principal investigator of active collection protocols with the list of coordinators working on their protocol. |
EDC plugin | Email with error report of edit checks. | |
Update Label printing metrics | Standard | Creates CSV report of the count of labels printed by users for different CPs and sites in the last calendar month. |
Update Container maintenance tasks reminder | Standard | Email of scheduled container maintenance tasks. |
Update Low supplies quantity alert | Supplies plugin | Email notification of low supply level so that you can replenish the stock. |
Update Expiring supplies reminder | Supplies plugin | Email notification for when the supplies are going to expire. |
Update Purge old external app messages | Epic plugin | System maintenance task. Cleans up the messages received from external systems like EPIC, REDCap etc |
Update, Remind requesters to pick distributed specimens. | Standard | Email notification to the receiver to collect the distributed specimens. |
Old files backlog cleaner | Standard | Deletes log files older than 'n' days. n is configurable through Settings → Common → Log Files Retain Period. |
Monthly Login Audit Report | Standard | Email monthly login audit reports to super admins and institute admins. |
Staged participants cleaner | Epic plugin | Responsible for cleaning up old visits and participants from the staging tables.
Inactive User Accounts Notification | Standard | Email notifications when the user is inactive for several days, configured through settings. |
Password Expiry Notification | Standard | Email notification when the user's password expires in the number of days configured through settings. |
CP Reports Generator | Standard | Generates Collection protocol reports. |
Bulk Import Records | Standard | Email notifications when the bulk import job is completed. |
DP Expiry Notification | Standard | Email notifications when DPs are expiring. |
CP Expiry Notification | Standard | Email notifications when CPs are expiring. |
Scheduler to refresh specimen additional details | Standard | Refreshes the view that stores parent, child specimen relation, and collection, received parent's event data. |
Consent responses digest | eConsent Plugin/EDC | Sends all the patients who consented in a day along with the consent document and version details. |
Expiring consent documents reminder | eConsent Plugin/EDC | Send a reminder to the corresponding CP PI and site admins when the consent document is about to expire. |
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