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How does the container auto-allocation strategy work in OpenSpecimen?

There are two strategies used in OpenSpecimen for container auto-allocation as follows.

  1. Least Empty Container: the container with the least number of vacant positions that can store the specific specimens in question is chosen first. This helps you to back-fill positions freed up by specimens that are given away.

  2. Recently used container: Recently used container to store specimens of the same type and same CP is chosen first.


Least Empty Cotanier Strategy Related Questions:

Question1: Does the oldest suitable box take precedence over the least empty container strategy in this case?
Answer: No, In the least empty container, if box1 oldest but box2 is filled with few specimens, OS chose box two irrespective of the box creation sequence. OpenSpecimen always selects the oldest least empty container.

Ex1: There are two boxes in Rack1 → B1(No Specimen Type Restriction) and B2(With Restriction); both are empty, and B1 is created first, and B2 created later. OpenSpecimen used the B2 because the container has the specimen type restriction added and the same specimen collected by the user.

Ex2: In the least empty container, if box1(No Specimen Type Restriction) is empty and box2(No Specimen Type Restriction) is filled with few specimens, then OpenSpecimen chose box two irrespective of the box creation sequence.

Question2. Additionally, does the oldest suitable box strategy only apply when there are only empty boxes available? 

Answer: No, it applies to empty boxes as well as partially filled boxes.


Question3. Is there a way to identify the box creation sequence, and is there a way to not use this strategy?

Answer: You can export the freezer and check the box creation sequence, but there is no way to change the auto allocation strategy. You need to manually select the boxes If the box chosen by OpenSpecimen is not suitable for you.

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