Distributing specimens
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Distributing specimens

This page will help you explore how specimens can be distributed from different pages and all the operations you can perform while distributing specimens.

From Visits page

To distribute specimens as soon as they are collected, you can use the direct distribution feature. OpenSpecimen allows you to distribute specimens directly from the specimens tree view.

From the visits overview page


  • Go to the participant's list page of the CP for which the DP is linked and click on any participant from the list.

  • Go to the overview page of the ‘Occurred Visit' of the participant by clicking the event label.

  • Select the collected specimens from the list, click the ‘Actions’ button, and select the option ‘Distribute.’

Note: The ‘Actions’ button will appear only after selecting at least one specimen from the specimen tree.

  • The system directly distributes the selected specimens using the DP set at the CP level.

  • The system creates the order and displays it on the orders list page.

Note: If the collection protocol is not linked to any DPs, you are asked to select the DP during direct distribution. Click here for more details.


Visits last page of the participant


  • Go to the participant's overview page and click on the 'Visits' icon from the left-side menu.

  • Click on any visit from the list.

  • Select specimens from the list, click on 'Actions' → 'Distribute.'

Note: The ‘Actions’ button will appear only after selecting at least one specimen from the specimen tree.

  • Enter further details and click on 'Distribute' to distribute the specimens.

From other pages 

  • Like the distribution of specimens from the visits overview page, you can distribute the specimens from multiple other places using the 'Actions' menu.

  • Refer to the 'Bulk Operations On Specimens' page for details on which pages the 'Actions' menu is displayed.

Specimens list page of the participant

  • Go to the overview page of the participant. 

  • Click on the 'Specimens' icon from the left-side menu.

  • Select specimens from the list, click on 'Actions' → 'Distribute.'

  • Enter further details and click on 'Distribute' to distribute the specimens

By scanning

You can create an order directly by entering or scanning specimen labels. This is useful for use cases where you don’t need to search for specimens to be distributed and have the specimen labels in Excel or to be scanned.


  • Go to the orders list page and click on ‘+ Create.’

  • Enter all the valid details on the ‘Create Order Details’ page and click on the ‘Next’ button.

  • Enter or scan comma, tab, or newline-separated specimen labels in the area provided and click on the ‘Add’ button.

  • View the specimens list or add new specimens if needed and click on the ‘Next’ button.

  • Add services if set at DP level, or click on the ‘Distribute’ button.

  • You can view the created order in the list of orders.

  • You can view the list of all the distributed specimens on the order's specimens list page with the status ‘Distribute and Close.’

  • The system adds the distributed event to the specimens and marks them as ‘Closed’ (if the ‘Dispose All’ checkbox is checked).

  • If the 'Dispose of All' checkbox is unchecked, the system adds the status as 'Distributed' but does not mark the specimens as 'Closed.'

From the cart

  • The site admin receives a request for specimens from various resources.

  • If researchers are not given direct access to OpenSpecimen, the request might come via phone or email.

  • Admin can search for the specimens of interest through the system, create a ‘Cart’ of all the specimens, and distribute them using any distribution protocol.


  • Create a cart of specimens to be distributed. Refer ‘Add to cart’ page.

  • Create a user with a ‘Site Administrator’ or ‘Technician’ Role.


  • Go to the carts list page and click on the newly created cart, which has the specimens to be distributed.

  • Select the specimens from the list, click on the ‘Actions’ button, and select the option ‘Distribute.’

  • You can use the ‘Distribute Now’ feature from the dropdown shown in the below popup image that will distribute the specimens directly, or else you can click on the 'Add More Details' option and follow steps from #4 to add more details about the order.

  • Enter all valid details on the ‘Create Order’ page and click on the ‘Next’ button OR click on the 'Distribute' button for direct distribution.

  • If you add any mandatory custom field such as ‘Name of TMA,’ then the system will throw an error message of validation on the order page.

  • You can remove specimens from the cart using the 'Remove From Cart' option from the order add/edit page.

  • Add any specimens if needed to the list and click on the ‘Next’ button.

The system displays an error message when the closed specimens are automatically removed from the order, and only open specimens are displayed on the create orders specimen list view page.

  • Add services, if added at the DP level, and/or click on the ‘Distribute’ button.

  • The system adds ‘Distributed Event’ to the distributed specimen and mark them as ‘Distributed.’

Sender Comments

From V10.3 it's now possible for the users to notify the requestor with details such as when the specimens are being dispatched, picked up etc. using the comments' field which will be displayed in the order notification mail. For more details on order mail notification, refer to this wiki page.

The comment's field can be used as mentioned below:

'Distribute All' Feature

Validate Specimens


Holding Location

Close Specimens

Save "Orders" as Draft

Error Reasons


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