Fancy Control
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Fancy Control

A Fancy Control is a dropdown type field that refers to an existing field in OpenSpecimen. The below fields are supported currently:

  1. User
  2. Site
  3. Storage containers
  4. Any existing drop down (E.g. Race. Ethnicity)

Creating a custom event form using the user’s drop-down:


  1. Go to the forms list page and click on the ‘Create’ button
  2. Enter form name in the ‘Display Name’ field and click on the ‘Add/Edit Control’ tab

    In order to show up the user and date & time in the events list:

    1. The field name can be anything that the user wants but the attribute name should be 'user' and 'time' for the user and time-related form fields
    2. The checkbox of 'Show In Grid' should be checked
  3. Select ‘Fancy Control’ from the control's list and select ‘User Dropdown’ from the ‘Fancy Control’ dropdown, enter details and click on ‘Add Control To Form’

  4. Attach this form to ‘Event’ level, the user will be able to view this form in the dropdown of events for any specimens
  5. Select the form and click on ‘Users’ dropdown, you will be able to view the user's list 
  6. On saving the form, you will be able to view the user who created the event in the events list page of the specimen

Similarly, you can create forms using sites or storage containers dropdown.

Creating a custom form using the PV Dropdown fancy control:

Follow the same step 1-2 as above.

  3. Select ‘Fancy Control’ from the control's list and select ‘PV Dropdown’ from the ‘Fancy Control’ dropdown, enter details as shown in the below example.


  1. The field name can be anything that the user wants.
  2. Settings:  Need to provide the "attribute" name to fetch the values from PV Dropdown.

Eg:   {"defaultValue":"Brain, NOS", "leafValue":true,"attribute":"anatomic_site"}
"leafValue": true →
It only shows the child dropdown values. If set as "false", it shows all the values.

"attribute": "anatomic_site" → The attribute name of the field which can be found using the dropdown manager. Below is the list of all the values for the anatomic site dropdown and within brackets is the attribute name.

"defaultValue": "Brain, NOS" → The default value that will be set for this fancy control field. This has been introduced from v7.0 onwards.

4. Save the form and attached it to any CP or other levels.

Making the dropdown field as multi-select is not supported.


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