Mobile App Configuration (v2 version)
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Mobile App Configuration (v2 version)

Collection Protocol JSON Configuration

The mobile app uses the same JSON configuration as the web-app. Any changes made in the workflow to configure the web-UI will also update the mobile app screens.

To configure the below data entry and overview page details, refer to the Customize Screens (JSON) | CustomizeScreens(JSON) CollectionProtocolLevelConfiguration page.

  • Custom fields on participant/visit/specimen.

  • Specimen events on specimen pages.

  • Hide/Show specific fields (Skip logic) on participant/visit/specimen.

Refer to the Attach a Custom Formarchived wiki page for custom form details.

If a specific collection protocol doesn’t have the JSON workflow, then the mobile app uses its default configuration.

List View Configuration

To configure the mobile app list view add the below code after the dictionary in the JSON workflow of the collection protocol used in the mobile app. You can configure the standard as well as custom fields on the list view.


{ "name" : "mobile-app", "view" : null, "ctrl" : null, "data" : { "participant-list-view" :{ "widthBreakpoint" : 590, "fields" : [ { "name" : "cpr.ppid", "caption" : "PPID", "type" : "text" }, { "name" : "cpr.participant.name", "caption" : "Name", "type" : "text" }, { "name" : "cpr.registrationDate", "caption" : "Registration Date", "type" : "date" }, { "name" : "cpr.site", "caption" : "Registration Site", "type" : "text" } ] }, "visit-list-view" : { "widthBreakpoint" : 590, "fields" : [ { "name" : "visit.eventDescription", "caption" : "Event", "type" : "text" }, { "name" : "visit.visitOrAnticipatedDate", "caption" : "Visit Date", "type" : "date" }, { "name" : "visit.extensionDetail.attrsMap.DD2", "caption" : "Sample Origin", "type" : "dropdown" } ] }, "specimen-list-view" : { "widthBreakpoint" : 590, "fields" : [ { "name" : "specimen.description", "caption" : "Type", "type" : "text" }, { "name" : "specimen.label", "caption" : "Label", "type" : "text" }, { "name" : "specimen.extensionDetail.attrsMap.DP10", "caption" : "Storage Time", "type" : "dropdown" } ] } } },

If the list view is not configured, then the mobile app uses its default list view configuration.

Configure Server URL 


Use Case1If logging in to the app for the first time.

  1. Download and install the app.

  2. Click on the ‘Change Server’ option to configure the server URL. Enter the URL of the server which you want to access. Make sure you enter slash correctly while configuring the URL.

Use Case2: If logging into the app after configuring a server URL and accessing a different server. E.g., You have configured the production server in the mobile app, and you wish to view any data from the test server. In this case, you have to follow the below steps and configure the test server URL.

  1. Log in to the app with configured server credentials(Username/Password).

  2. Click on three bars beside the 'Collection Protocol' header.

  3. Click on the 'Settings' options shown in the 2nd image.

  4. Enter the URL of the server which you want to access. Make sure you enter slash correctly while configuring the URL.

The user login, data access, security, audit, configuration, etc., work the same way in mobile and web apps.

For more details about the access, refer to the Roles and Privileges page.

Configuration of Aliquots Collection Page Without Collecting Derivative Specimens

In the v2 mobile app, you can collect the aliquots without collecting the intermediate derivative specimens. The intermediate derivative will be collected automatically.

You need to configure the below code under the ‘AliquotsCollection’ section of JSON workflow to configure the aliquot collection page.

"title" : "Aliquots", "criteria" : { "op" : "OR", "rules" : [ { "field" : "specimen.parent", "op" : "exists" } ] },

Configuration Scanner For Participant, Visit, And Specimens

Add below code along with the PPID, Visit Name, Specimen Label fields for scanning feature.

"allowScanner" : true

Clear Cache

Whenever you make any changes within the CP workflow, attached forms, or any JSON configuration. It doesn’t reflect right away in the mobile app. You need to clear the cache so that the changes will reflect in the mobile app.

E.g., Hiding fields, attaching different forms at a different level and configuring list view.

Note: To use this feature, you have to be in the network.

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