Transfer Containers (to be deleted)
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Transfer Containers (to be deleted)

Containers can be transferred from one position to another across freezers (v10.x) or within the same freezer (earlier versions). It adds a "Transfer Event" on the container and stored specimens to keep an audit of these movements and includes them in reports.


  • The 'Parent Site' should be the same for source and destination containers.

  • The 'Collection Protocol' and 'Specimen Types' restrictions should match.

  • The new positions to which the containers are being moved should not be already occupied.

Transfer containers within/across freezers via UI

  1. From the containers page click on Actions → Transfer

2. Scan/paste the container's unique name or barcode and Click on Add

3. Select the Parent container and position, add a reason (mandatory) → Submit


4. Transferred container can be seen under the selected Parent container.

Transfer event is added at 3 places

  1. Transferred container

  2. Descendents of the container

  3. All specimens in container/ descendants

5. You can also ‘Transfer’ individual containers from the container overview page → More → Transfer

Note - Selecting Parent Container:

  • The dropdown shows the first 100 values that are available.

  • You can click on the "Search" icon (magnifying glass) from the pop-up to see the containers eligible as a parent location for the transfer container.

  • Alternatively, you can start typing the initials of the container name, and it will appear.

  • Select any container by clicking on "Select". 


  • Choose the location you want to move the container in and click on "Done".

Move Containers in Bulk

  • Go to the containers page, and select 'Import' under more.

  • On the import page, download the template file and fill in the fields mentioned in the table. 

Column  Name






Column  Name









Name of the containers that need to be moved

It should  be an existing and unique  name within the  system storage

Storage Location#Parent Container Name



The name of the parent container, i.e., New Location

Storage Location#Column


The new position in its container

Storage Location#Row


The new position in its container

  • Once all data is filled, save it as CSV and import the file. Make sure the 'Update' operation is selected.

  • Optionally, positions can be kept blank, and the system will allocate the next available position in the specified container.

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