Create Visit And Specimen
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Create Visit And Specimen


Use this resource to create visit and its specimens in one call. 

Use HTTP POST method to call this API by passing the below details in JSON format.

Below are the attributes which need to be sent in the request body:

visitVisit Details. Please refer Add Visit for attributes of visit.
specimensArray of specimen details which wanted to collect. Please refer Create Specimen for attributes of specimen.


The response of this request will contains the details of the visits with all collected and anticipated specimen details of visit.

    "clinicalDiagnoses": [
        "3-part fracture of surgical neck of humerus", 
		"(Idiopathic) normal pressure hydrocephalus"
    "clinicalStatus":"Not Specified",
    "site":"Arkansas Hospital",
    "cpTitle":"Planned Clinical Study",


"visit": {
"cprId": 52
"eventId": 86
"ppid": "DWP00004"
"eventLabel": "Test"
"eventPoint": 10
"cpId": 2
"cpTitle": "Planned Clinical Study"
"cpShortTitle": "A Planned Clinical Study FD"
"id": 728
"name": "DWP00004_Test_333"
"clinicalDiagnoses": [
    "3-part fracture of surgical neck of humerus", 
	"(Idiopathic) normal pressure hydrocephalus"
"clinicalStatus": "Not Specified"
"activityStatus": "Active"
"site": "3165 Porder Drive"
"status": "Complete"
"comments": null
"surgicalPathologyNumber": null
"sprName": null
"missedReason": null
"missedBy": null
"sprLocked": false
"visitDate": 1449597053346
"code": null
"cohort": null
"extensionDetail": null
"specimens": [1]
0:  {
"id": 2925
"cpId": 2
"cprId": 52
"eventId": null
"visitId": 728
"visitName": "DWP00004_Test_333"
"cpShortTitle": "A Planned Clinical Study FD"
"reqId": 471
"sortOrder": null
"label": "DWP00004.WB.283"
"autoPrintLabelEnabled": false
"barcode": null
"type": "Whole Blood"
"specimenClass": "Fluid"
"lineage": "New"
"anatomicSite": "Not Specified"
"laterality": "Not Specified"
"status": "Collected"
"reqLabel": null
"pathology": "Not Specified"
"initialQty": 10
"availableQty": 10
"available": true
"concentration": null
"parentId": null
"parentLabel": null
"storageLocation": {
"id": -1
"name": null
"positionX": null
"positionY": null
"storageType": "Auto"
"collectionContainer": null
"activityStatus": "Active"
"createdOn": 1449596760000
"code": null
"distributed": null
"collectionEvent": null
"receivedEvent": null
"labelFmt": "%PPI%.%SP_TYPE%.%SYS_UID%"
"biohazards": [0]
"comments": null
"closeAfterChildrenCreation": null
"children": [1]
0:  {
"id": null
"cpId": null
"cprId": null
"eventId": null
"visitId": null
"visitName": null
"cpShortTitle": null
"reqId": 472
"sortOrder": null
"label": null
"autoPrintLabelEnabled": false
"barcode": null
"type": "Plasma"
"specimenClass": "Fluid"
"lineage": "Derived"
"anatomicSite": "Not Specified"
"laterality": "Not Specified"
"status": null
"reqLabel": null
"pathology": "Malignant"
"initialQty": 10
"availableQty": null
"available": null
"concentration": null
"parentId": null
"parentLabel": null
"storageLocation": {
"id": null
"name": null
"positionX": null
"positionY": null
"storageType": "Auto"
"collectionContainer": "Not Specified"
"activityStatus": null
"createdOn": null
"code": null
"distributed": null
"collectionEvent": null
"receivedEvent": null
"labelFmt": "%PPI%.%SP_TYPE%.%SYS_UID%"
"biohazards": null
"comments": null
"closeAfterChildrenCreation": null
"pooledSpecimenId": null
"pooledSpecimenLabel": null
"specimensPool": null
"closeParent": null
"poolSpecimen": false
"extensionDetail": null
"pooledSpecimenId": null
"pooledSpecimenLabel": null
"specimensPool": null
"closeParent": null
"poolSpecimen": false
"extensionDetail": null

Applies to
Status Message
200All resourcesSpecimen collection groups got successfully
401All requestsAuthorization failed, user doesn’t have authority
500All requestsInternal server error, encountered server error while performing operations

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