Login Audit Reports

This can be exported from 'Users→ More→Export Login Activity'.

  1. This will allow the super admin to export the login audit log based upon the domain, time interval, and user.
  2. Only super admins and institute admins can export user login activity reports.

As shown in the above screen, you can export the login activity for a particular user and for a particular domain with a date range. If you have not selected any of these, you can get whole days report with all the domain names present.

Query Audit Reports

Each query run is audited for who ran the query and the SQL generated by the query. 

  1. Super Admins can export audits of all users across the system.

  2. Institute Admins can export audits of users within their institute.

  3. Regular users cannot see the 'Query Audit' button.

  4. The CSV file contains details like server URL, environment, exported by, etc. 

1. Navigate to 'Queries'.

2. Click on the 'Query Audit' button.

3. Click on 'Export' → Add details and export.

Example file: