In order to configure the aliquots / derived specimens creation table, admin can configure below setting in the CP or system workflows.

To hide "Copy first to all" button from creating a derived or aliquot specimen then aliquotsCollection and derivedSpecimens workflow need to have the following setting in JSON file:

    "aliquotsCollection": [
        "title": ...,
        "hideCopyFirstToAll": true



    "derivedSpecimens": [
        "title": ...,
        "hideCopyFirstToAll": true



Before configuring the JSON, "Copy first to all" button is present on Create derivative page:

After configuring the JSON, "Copy first to all" button is hidden on Create derivative page:

Before configuring the JSON, "Copy first to all" button is present on Create aliquot page:

After configuring the JSON, "Copy first to all" button is hidden on Create aliquot page:

Default card titles in the 'Add Specimen' are "Specimen <count>: <Specimen Desc>" is displayed as the card titles.In order to customize the card titles in the 'Add Specimen' form needs to have the following setting in the JSON file: 

    "name": "common",
    "addSpecimen": {
      "cardTitleTmpl":  "<span>{{$index + 1}}: <os-specimen-desc cp=\"cp\" specimen=\"specimen\"></os-specimen-desc>",


Before configuring the JSON, Card titles were in "Add Specimen" page:

After configuring the JSON, Card titles are in "Add Specimen" page: