Specific OpenSpecimen feature is slow

First thing to check would be: if the overall application is slow or a specific feature is slow? If the overall application is slow, then check the other sections in this page.

If a specific feature is slow, then it could mean:

a. A DB index is missing

b. A code level improvement needs to be done

Contact Krishagni for support in such cases.

Windows or Linux?

If Windows, consider moving to Linux. Windows is not an ideal operating system if you have many users & labs.

Is DB and App on different servers?

If not, consider moving DB to a different server.

Check Tomcat memory allocation

Tomcat should be assigned 2GB memory to run optimally.  Open the 'setenv.sh' file in the '<tomcat directory>/bin' directory, and check if -Xmx2048m is present in the below line.

export JAVA_OPTS="-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms128m -Xmx2048m -XX:PermSize=64m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m"

Check DB memory allocation

Please refer to "Increase memory for better query performance" in MySQL prerequisites page. If Oracle, consult your DBA.

Check CPU and memory utilization.

Check database transactions

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