This step has to be performed before creating the database. Restart MySQL for any setting change in my.cnf.

Editing my.cnf file

The 'my.cnf'file is usually present in the MySQL directory. , add the following lines in the file.

Character encoding (for Linux)

The database server running on Linux has default character encoding is latin1. 

Add below line below [mysqld] section:


  Add below lines above the [mysqld] session.


Case sensitivity (for Linux)

The database server on Linux is case-sensitive with regards to database and table names. 

Add below line below [mysqld] section:


Increase memory for better query performance

Open the my.cnf file and add below lines under [mysqld] section.

Note: The value of the innodb_buffer_pool_size the variable can be safely set to 50% of the available RAM memory if database server is on different VM and no other apps are running on it.

Server collation 

A database collation is a set of rules used to compare characters in a character set. We configure collation as 'utf8_unicode_ci' because it supports all character used in the US, Canada, Australia, and Europe (Latin and Greek).

Add below lines under [mysqld] section in my.cnf file:

Restarting service

service mysql restart

systemctl restart mysqld 

Once MySQL is restarted. Check all the variables are set to its correct value or not.