Error: NoSuchMessageException:No message found under code 'rbac_resource_supply' for locale 'en_US'. (COMMON_SERVER_ERROR)

Note: Confirm that you are not using the Supplies plugin in production. If yes, contact Krishagni support.

The above error comes because some extra resources were added by mistake in the previous release.

The error can be resolved in two ways:

At database level

Note down the identifier of the below query.

select * from rbac_resources where name = 'Supply';

Cleanup the supply resource

delete from rbac_role_access_list where RESOURCE_ID = <identifier of query #1>;

delete from rbac_role_access_list_ops where ACL_ID in (select identifier from rbac_role_access_list where RESOURCE_ID = <identifier of query #1>);

delete from rbac_resources where name = 'Supply';

At UI level