Waiting Queue and Performing Workflow

You will be able to view only those workflows that you have access to.

  • Click on the navigation menu and select ‘Workflows’:

  • Click on 'Waiting Queue':

  • Select specimens from the same workflow and click on 'Start':

Search for selective specimens

To search for specimens based on workflow, type, barcodes, or labels, you can use the filters available on the page:

The 'Specimen Labels/Barcodes (CSV)' is a multi-select field; you can scan multiple labels/barcodes there. See below:

Select specimens and process

You can select multiple specimens that belong to the same workflow and start processing them:

  1. You cannot select specimens from different workflows together.

  2. Once you click on 'Start', the specimens are removed from the waiting queue.

  1. You cannot select specimens from different workflows together.

  2. Once you click on 'Start', the specimens are removed from the waiting queue.

Scanning specimen labels/barcodes to start a batch

  • Navigate to ‘Workflows’:

  • Click on ‘Create’ and select your workflow:

  • Starting a workflow starts by scanning or entering the specimen labels as shown below:

  • Based on the workflow, you can perform the tasks one by one:

Email Notifications

  • Create a user group that you wish to use in your workflow.

  • Add this group’s name to your workflow.json as below:

"notifUserGroups" : [ {
        "name": "Team Leaders 1"
      }, {
        "name": "Team Leaders 2"
      } ]
  • This section will be added by default by the system starting v10.0.

  • It will be added after the "rule" section and will look as below:

  • This section will be added by default by the system starting v10.0.

  • It will be added after the "rule" section and will look as below:

"notifUserGroups" : [ ],

Example workflow.json file:

  • This is a system-level job that runs at 1 AM every night. Based on requirements, Super Admins can change it. Refer to jobs for detailed information.

  • These emails are not sent to super and institute admins.

Switch Batch and New Batch (v10.0)

When you keep the blood tubes for clotting or centrifugation, it takes a few minutes. In the meantime, instead of waiting, you can easily switch to another existing batch or start a new batch.

  • When you start a new batch, you will see a button, 'Switch Batch'. You need to click on it and enter either a batch name, workflow title or specimen label/barcode.

The workflow title, batch name, specimen barcode, or specimen label should exactly match an existing value.

  • Now, you can process the specimens in the selected batch simultaneously without having to switch browser tabs.

  • To navigate to the batches list view page, click on 'View All Batches':

  • Click on the 'New Batch' button:

  • Search for the workflow by workflow name OR specimen label:

  • Scan specimen labels /barcodes and click on 'Add':

  • To navigate to the waiting queue, click on 'View Waiting Queue':

View previous task details in read-only mode (v10.1)

In most of your regular workflows, you might set certain values to default to commonly used parameters based on the highest possible value or frequently used value. Every so often, the end-users tend to hit the submit button without cross-checking what value is available on the screen, or they mistakenly add an incorrect value. To avoid navigation to various tabs to view what data is entered in the previous tasks, we have implemented this feature. This will allow you to navigate between current tasks and previous tasks easily.

  • The details of previous tasks are displayed in a read-only format. If you wish to edit anything, you will have to navigate to the specific specimen overview page and make the necessary changes.

  • You can click on the 'Current Task' button to navigate back to the present task.

  • The details of previous tasks are displayed in a read-only format. If you wish to edit anything, you will have to navigate to the specific specimen overview page and make the necessary changes.

  • You can click on the 'Current Task' button to navigate back to the present task.


To download the workflow JSON, click on the download button from the workflows list view page:


If you do not use any workflow anymore, or if you have wrongly created one, you can archive such workflows by clicking on the ‘Archive’ icon:


You can search for workflow based on the activity status and workflow name:

Exporting workflow from one instance and importing to another

When you create a workflow on your test server and wish to move it to the production server, you need to make some changes.

  • Export the workflow from your test server:

  • Open the workflow.json file:

  • Under the “cps“ section, make sure to remove the "id". See below:

This is because the CP ID is generated by the system and varies on different servers.

  • If you have added user groups within your workflow, you need to remove the ID row from there too:

  • Save these changes and create a zip file.

  • Import it to your production server: