Suppose you want to search and distribute plasma with a restriction that plasma from a single patient should not exceed 6 ml. In such a case, you don't have to query for the required specimens; add the specimens to the cart whilst keep tracking the quantities manually. You can use this feature to filter specimens by the total quantity of aliquots.

It helps to limit the displayed specimens based on the cumulative sum of specimen quantities.

Example 1: Show plasma aliquots from the same participant where there are 3ml available.

  • Navigate to 'Queries'.

  • Create a query using desired filters.

  • Click on 'View records' → Action → Columns.

  • Add the 'Specimen Available Quantity' field to view the quantity.

  • In the ‘Reporting Options', select the report type as ‘Limit specimens by cumulative quantities’ → Limit by as 'Participant’.

  • Enter the minimum and maximum quantity → Done.

  • The query will show a total of 3ml plasma aliquots per participant.

  • When you say limit by participant, 'Registration ID' is mandatory to be part of columns.

  • Specimen Type should be a part of columns as the query is about showing plasma aliquots from the same participant.

  • When you say limit by participant, 'Registration ID' is mandatory to be part of columns.

  • Specimen Type should be a part of columns as the query is about showing plasma aliquots from the same participant.

Example 2: Show serum aliquots with a restriction that no less than and no more than 4ml of serum from the same aliquot group should be picked.

  • Navigate to 'Queries'.

  • Create a query using desired filters.

  • Click on 'View records' → Action → Columns.

  • Add the 'Specimen Available Quantity' field to view the quantity.

  • In the ‘Reporting Options', select the report type as ‘Limit specimens by cumulative quantities’ → Limit by as 'Parent Specimen’.

  • Enter the minimum and maximum quantity → Done.

  • The query will show a total of 4ml serum aliquots per parent.

  • When you say limit by parent specimen, 'Parent Specimen Label' is mandatory to be part of columns.

  • Specimen Type should be a part of columns as the query is about showing serum aliquots.

  • When you say limit by parent specimen, 'Parent Specimen Label' is mandatory to be part of columns.

  • Specimen Type should be a part of columns as the query is about showing serum aliquots.