When you have set auto-generation of participants, visits, and specimen labels in your study and due to an incorrect entry, you had to delete any one of them. If you delete a visit with say ‘Visit Name' as ‘C0010.11.1’ and then try to create a new visit under the same patient, the visit name generated is 'C0010.11.2’.

Since the visit name for your study is auto-generated, you need to turn off the labels temporarily, change the visit name back to ‘C0010.11.1’ and turn the auto-generation on.

  1. Navigate to 'Collection Protocols'.

  2. From the overview page, go to 'Label Format and Print' settings.

3. Click on 'Edit' → Remove the Visit label format and save it in notepad to use back later → Save

4. Now, go to the participants-list-view page, and select the patient for whom you want to edit the visit name.

5. Go to the visit overview page → Click on 'Edit'.

6. Change the visit name and click on 'Update'.

7. Now, go to 'Label Format and Print' settings, → Add the visit label back and save.

  • You can also achieve this for patient and specimen labels.

  • For specimens, you need to also check if there are any label formats set at specimen requirement level:

  • For aliquots, you need to verify if the aliquot format is set at the system 'Settings' level: