OpenSpecimen exposes REST APIs that can be consumed to develop custom UI and for integration with other databases. The REST APIs will be consumed by the OpenSpecimen user interface.
The following characteristics apply to all OpenSpecimen API resources:
All resources are located at http
]://<host-name>:<port>/<application name>/rest/ng
E.g. http://demo.openspecimen.org/ openspecimen/rest/ng/collection-protocols/1/workflows |
code | Applies to | Status Message |
200 | All resources | |
201 | All POST/PUT requests | Resource created/updated successfully |
400 | All requests | Invalid parameters, this will also include application specific error messages |
401 | All requests | Authorization failed |
403 | All requests | |
404 | All requests | Resource not found, also includes specified resource id/name/title |
500 | All requests | Internal server error |
On this page, when a portion of a URL, path, or parameter value is shown in italics, it indicates that you should replace the italicised value with a particular value appropriate to your request.
Majority of OpenSpecimen REST APIs can be invoked only by the authenticated users. Authentication is done by invoking the sessions API with valid credentials and using the token returned by the API in subsequent API invocation request headers. The workflow is explained below:
Invoke sessions API with valid credentials i.e. username, password, and domain. When domain is not specified, it defaults to 'openspecimen'.
HTTP Method | POST | |
URL | http[s]://<host>:<port>/openspecimen/rest/ng/sessions | |
Body |
| |
Response | HTTP 200 OK response with following body
HTTP header value in every API request made to OpenSpecimen. The token value is used by OpenSpecimen to establish - a) the user is authenticated, and b) to retrieve user details from database for authorisation and other purposes in request handling.Unauthenticated APIs
Given below is list of APIs that do not require user authentication
HTTP Method | URI | Description | Why? |
GET | /institutes | Retrieve list of institutes provisioned in database | To populate institute dropdown in user sign-up UI form |
GET | /institutes/byname | Retrieve details of institute by name. Details include, for example, list of departments | To populate departments dropdown in user sign-up UI form |
GET | /config-settings/locale | Retrieve locale settings like locale (en-US, en-UK), date/time format in use | To initialise UI app resource bundle |
GET | /config-settings/app-props | Retrieve details like list of installed plugins, build version, build date etc | To load and initialise plugin resources, and display build information |
GET | /auth-domains | Retrieve list of authentication domains provisioned in database | To populate domain dropdown in user sign-in UI form. The dropdown is displayed iff more than one authentication domains are configured |
POST | /sessions | Authenticate user credentials and obtain token for use in subsequent rendezvous with OpenSpecimen | Used in implementation of sign-in UI form. |
POST | /users/reset-password | Reset user password based on login name and valid reset token issued by OpenSpecimen | Used in implementation of forget password and reset password UI workflow |
POST | /users/forgot-password | Validates user login name and sends reset password link to user email ID | Used in implementation of forget password UI workflow |
POST | /users/sign-up | Create a new user in pending status. The user has to be approved by admin to allow further use of OpenSpecimen | Used in implementation of sign-up UI workflow |
OpenSpecimen assumes all date/time values specified in API request payload to be in UTC. The UTC time is then converted to server timezone before storing in database. This is best explained using an example:
This is surprising and undesirable behaviour from API users point of view.
In order to solve this problem, the API caller should always provide date/time field values in UTC using either of following options:
Milliseconds elapsed since epoch. This mode always represents time in UTC. For example: 1487574000000 is 20th February 2017 00:00 in MDT
{ "lastName": "Blackberry", "birthDate": 1487574000000, "pmis": [] } |
Adding appropriate offset to input date/time field value. For example: 2017-02-20T06:00:00.000Z is 20th February 2017 00:00 in MDT
{ "lastName": "Blackberry", "birthDate": "2017-02-20T07:00:00.000Z", "pmis":[] } |
{ "lastName": "Blackberry", "birthDate": "2017-02-20T00:00:00.000-0700", "pmis":[] } |