Use this resource to create new storage container in the open specimen application. Use HTTP POST method to call this API by passing the below details in JSON format.
Below are the attributes which need to be sent in the request body:
Parameter | Details | ||||||||
name | Container name. It should be unique in application | ||||||||
barcode [Optional] | Container barcode, By default it will be null. It should be unique in application if barcode is provided | ||||||||
typeName [Optional] | Container type name. | ||||||||
siteName | Site name in which the container is present | ||||||||
storageLocation | In case of child level container, specify position of the container within parent container.
| ||||||||
noOfRows | Number of rows in container | ||||||||
noOfColumns | Number of columns in conatiner | ||||||||
rowLabelingScheme | Row labeling scheme, by default it will be N Available permissible values are : {Numbers, Alphabets Upper Case, Alphabets Lower Case, Roman Upper Case, Roman Lower Case} | ||||||||
columnLabelingScheme | Column labeling scheme, by default it will be N Available permissible values are : {Numbers, Alphabets Upper Case, Alphabets Lower Case, Roman Upper Case, Roman Lower Case} | ||||||||
temperature | Temperature of the container. | ||||||||
storeSpecimensEnabled | Allow to store specimens in container | ||||||||
allowedSpecimenClasses | Allowed specimen classes to store in container | ||||||||
allowedSpecimenTypes | Allowed specimen types to store in container | ||||||||
allowedCollectionProtocols | Title of collection protocols to restrict specific protocol for storage | ||||||||
createdBy | User info object containing loginName and domainName of user, who had been created the container. |
Use this URL to add storage container in open specimen application.
The response of this request will contains the details of the created storage container.
Below is the example of the create storage container:
URL | http://<host>:<port>/ openspecimen/rest/ng/storage-containers | |
Method | POST | |
Request | application/json | |
json |
| |
Response |
Error Cases :
code | Applies to | Status Message |
200 | All resources | Storage container has been created successfully |
400 | All requests | Invalid parameters, e.g duplicate container name, blank container name etc |
401 | All requests | Authorization failed, user doesn’t have authority |
500 | All requests | Internal server error, encountered server error while performing operations |