In v6.0 and above, the default value for 'Increment parent's freeze-thaw?' is 'Yes'. The freeze-thaw values for the child specimens are populated as the freeze-thaw cycle of parent +1.

In order to set the default value for the fields 'Increment parent's freeze-thaw?' and 'Freeze-thaw cycle' via JSON, we can add CP based configuration parameter to specify whether the parent specimen's freeze/thaw cycles should be incremented or not.

JSON code for a set default value for freeze-thaw and increment freeze-thaw:

     "name": "common",
     "data": {
       "incrementFreezeThawCycles": false,

Before configuring the JSON, derivative and aliquot field "freeze-thaw cycles" is set as parent's freeze-thaw cycles+1:
Primary Specimen:


Aliquot of the derivative:

After configuring the JSON, on the primary collection, derivative and aliquot overview page we can set the default value for the field 'Freeze-thaw cycle'.