The process of retrieving a specimen from freezer/box for research or testing and/or distributing it to the labs or external organizations or researchers for further analysis is called specimen check-out. And the process of receiving the checked out specimen and storing back at its original location is called check-in.
You can now check-out/check-in specimens from multiple places within the application by either using check-out/check-in button or retrieve/transfer option under specimen actions menu.
Check-out Specimens
Specimens can be checked from below mentioned pages
List pages
Overview pages
Once the specimens are checked out, below changes take place
There is a transfer event added with the storage status as ‘CHECK-OUT’
Container position is blocked with the specimen label (for example - N0001_PL_1.1)
Specimen status updated to ‘Checked Out’ on overview pages
Check-in Specimens
Specimen can be checked in from the overview page
2. Using the transfer options specimens can be checked back in. The new location is populated automatically with the position from where the sample was checked out.
Container positions can be unblocked from
Query module