To work automated container integration with OpenSpecimen, need to do below configuration.
Step 1: Register auto freezer provider
We need to register provider and set properties which are used to connect with freezer. Properties can be different as per freezer.
To register provider invoke below REST API
URL | http://<host>:<port>/openspecimen/rest/ng/auto-freezer-providers |
Method | POST |
Input JSON | { "name": "Any thing that makes sense" "implClass": "Concrete Java class that implements the interface AutomatedFreezer", "props": { "prop1": "custom property1 required for the AutomatedFreezer implementation", "prop2": "custom property2 required for the AutomatedFreezer implementation", . . . } } |
Example | { "name": "Hamilton Bios", "implClass": "com.krishagni.autofreezers.hamilton.core.BiosFreezer", "props": { "url": "http://localhost:9000/api/v11/", "user": "admin", "password": "admin", "barcode_type": “ECC 200“, "job_priority": "100", "job_optimization_mode": "System", "job_destination_labware_type": "IOCassette" } } |
Step 2: Set intended storage container as autofreezer.
URL | http://<host>:<port>/openspecimen/rest/ng/storage-containers/{id} |
Method | PATCH |
Example | { "automated" : true } |