OpenSpecimen sends email notifications to users of the system on various operations. For this to be enabled, system administrator has to configure the email settings through user interface.
To enable OpenSpecimen to send notification emails, the appropriate values for the various properties under ‘Email’ module of settings has to be configured first. Refer ‘Module: Emails’ section for various properties and refer steps to configure those properties.
Follow below steps to configure the email notifications settings:
- Login as super admin user
- Click on ‘Settings’ card from the home page
- Click on ‘Notifications’ module of settings
- Click on any of the property whose notification has to be enabled or disabled
- By default, all notifications are enabled. Select option ‘Enabled’ or ‘Disabled’
- If ‘Enabled’, system will send email notification and if ‘Disabled’, system will not send the specific notification.
List of email notifications sent by the system
Object | Feature | Details | Recipient |
Collection Protocol | Create CP | This email notification is sent when any new collection protocol is created | Super Admin Site Admin All users linked with CP |
Collection Protocol | Clone CP | This email notification is sent when any collection protocol is created by cloning already existing CP | Super Admin Site Admin All users linked with CP |
Collection Protocol | Delete CP | This email notification is sent when any collection protocol is deleted | Super Admin Site Admin All users linked with CP |
Collection Protocol | Import CP | This email notification is sent when any CP is imported | Super Admin Site Admin All users linked with CP |
Collection Protocol | Add/ Remove site from the CP | This email notification is sent when any site is assigned to CP or removed from the CP | Site Admin of the CP |
Collection Protocol | Add/ Remove PI from the CP | This email notification is sent when any user is assigned to CP as PI or removed from the CP | PI user |
Collection Protocol | Add/ Remove Coordinator from the CP | This email notification is sent when any user is added or removed from the CP | All users linked with CP |
Collection Protocol | Expiring CP | This email notification is sent when any collection protocol is expiring based on the ‘End Date’ set in the protocol. | Super Admin Site Admin All users linked with CP |
Collection Protocol | Download CP Report | This email notification is sent when any CP report is downloaded | The user who downloads the CP report |
Distribution Protocol | Create distribution protocol | This email notification is sent when any distribution protocol is created | PI of DP. Receiving Institute admin of DP. |
Distribution Protocol | Delete distribution protocol | This email notification is sent when any distribution protocol is deleted | PI of DP. Receiving Institute admin of DP. |
Distribution Protocol | Expiring DP | This email notification is sent when any DP is expiring based on the end date specified in DP | PI of DP. Receiving Institute admin of DP. |
User | New user sign up | This email notification is sent when any new user sign up to OpenSpecimen | Super admin Institute admin Signed up user |
User | Approve sign up request | This email notification is sent when sign up request is approved | Super admin Institute admin Admin who approved the request User whose request is approved |
User | Reject sign up request | This email notification is sent when sign up request is rejected | Super admin Institute admin Admin who rejected the request User whose request is rejected |
User | Create user | This email notification is sent when any new user is created by any admin user | Super admin Institute admin Admin who create the user User whose account is created |
User | Account locked due to wrong password | This email notification is sent when any users account gets locked due to maximal failed login attempts | Super admin Site admin User whose account is locked |
User | Account locked due to password expiry | This email notification is sent when any users account gets locked due to password expiry | User whose account is locked |
User | Account locked by admin | This email notification is sent when any users account is locked by the admin | Super admin Institute admin User whose account is locked |
User | Password Expiry | This email notification is sent number of days configured before the password expiry date | User whose account password is going to expire |
User | Account unlocked | This email notification is sent when any locked users account is unlocked | Super admin Site admin User whose account is unlocked User who unlocked the account |
User | Delete user | This email notification is sent when any user’s account is deleted | Super admin Site admin User whose account is deleted User who deleted the account |
User | Assign/Remove Role | This email notification is sent when any role is assigned to the user | User whose role is updated or removed |
User | Password Change | This email notification is sent when any user’s account password is reset | User whose accounts password is reset |
User | Inactive users | This email notification is sent number of days configured prior to accounts inactivity | Inactive user |
Query | Export query results | This email notification is sent when any query results is exported | User who exported the query daa |
Query | Share queries folder | This email notification is sent when any query folder is shared with specific users | The user with whom the query folder is shared |
Query | Export query results | This email notification is sent when the query data is exported | The user who exported the query results |
Order | Distribute specimens | This email notification is sent when an order is processed | Order creator Requester |
Shipment | Shipment shipped/ received | This email notification is sent when any shipment is shipped or received | Site admin |
Cart | Share cart | This email notification is sent when any cart is shared with the users | User with whom the cart is shared |
Cart | Revoke users access | This email notification is sent when any users access is revoked from the cart | User whose access is revoked |
Bulk Import | Bulk import jobs | This email notification is sent when the bulk import jobs gets failed/completed | The user who initiated the bulk import job |
Bulk Export | Bulk export jobs | This email notification is sent when the data is exported from OS | The user who exported the data |
Jobs | Scheduled job failed | This email notification is sent when any scheduled job is failed | Configured Users in email Settings |
Jobs | Scheduled job finished | This email notification is sent when any scheduled job is finished | Configured Users in email Settings |
Auto Freezers | Daily activity report | This email notification is sent daily about the activity report of the auto freezer | All admins IT admin |
Announcement | Announcement emails | This email notification is sent by the super admin for any announcement in the OS | All the users |
Login audit report | Monthly report for login | This is a monthly report sent to all super admins about login audit of all users for that month | All super admins |
Features that send emails
Object | Feature | Details | Recipient |
User | User Sign On Request | This email notification is sent when new users sign in for user account from OpenSpecimen login page. | System administrator |
User | User Creation or User Request Approval | This email notification is sent when new users sign in request is approved or rejected or administrator creates a new user. Email contains login details. | New User |
Order | Order Distribution | This email notification is sent when an order is processed |
Query | Share Query Folder | This email notification is sent when a query folder is shared with user/s. Email contains direct link to access the query folder and requires user to login to access it. | User/s with whom query folder was shared |
Query | Export Large Query Result Data(>10000 rows) | This email notification is sent when user exports query results which have large result set > 10000 records. Email contains link to download the exported data. User needs to sign in before downloading the data. | User who exported query results data |
User | Reset Password | When user requests for new password, a password reset link is sent to the user. Only the user who requested can access the link and it expires after 1 day. | User who requested for reset password |
List | Share Specimen List | This email notification is sent when a specimen list is shared with user/s. Email contains direct link to access the specimen list and requires user to login to access it. | User/s to whom specimen list was shared |
User | Roles Update | Email notification is sent when any user's role is changed or updated. Email contains details of the user's updated role. | User who's role is updated |
Disable email notification per user
New in v6.3! At times, customer might want to disable all email notification to specific users. (Even when they're non-contact users)
This is now possible via a radio button in the user page. Follow the below steps to disable email notification per user.
- Go to Home → Users → Click on any user.
- Click Edit → Select 'Yes' under 'Disable Notifications?'
- Click Update.
Email notification will be sent despite the above setting in the following cases:
User clicks on forgot password.
User account is locked by unsuccessful login attempts.
User account password is expired.
User account is locked because of inactivity.
In case of an Email Announcement.
New user is created.
By default, new users created will have 'Disable Notification' as disabled.