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Possible Values

Add Participant on No Match

Allow or disallow users to add new participants when lookup yields no matching participants in two-step registration workflow.

Enabled/ Disabled

Aliquot Label Format 

The system-level format for aliquot labels.


Coordinator Role

Name of the role that is assigned to coordinators. When specified, coordinators cannot update participants, visits, and specimens if any of the specimens underneath them are in a received state.

CP Coding

Enable or disable short codes for collection protocol, events, and specimen requirements. Needed for barcoding.

Enabled/ Disabled

CP Expiry Reminder

Number of days prior to collection protocol expiry when email notification should be sent to the PI, coordinators, and CP site coordinators.


Repeat CP Expiry Reminder

Number of days after which email notification should be repeated for collection protocol expiry. E.g. If the values for CP Expiry reminder and Repeat CP expiry Reminder are set as 30 and 5, it will send 1 email every 5 days for 30 days prior to expiry. In total, it will send 6 notifications.


CP SOP Document

System-level collection protocol SOP document

SOP Documents Directory

Folder on the server to store collection protocol SOP documents


System-level collection protocol SOP document link

Consent Document Print Template

HTML template to use for printing the consent documents.

Specimen Barcoding

Enable or disable barcoding support for Specimen

Enabled/ Disabled

External Participant Sites

A comma-separated list of site IDs or names from which participant details are sourced from the external databases like EPIC etc

Extract Text from SPR PDF Docs

Enable or disable extraction of text content from SPR PDF documents

Enabled/ Disabled

Image URL

URL pattern to use for rendering the specimen image links.


Enable to allow users to view the specimen images.

Mandatory Aliquot Quantity

Enable to make aliquots quantity a mandatory field.

Enabled: You cannot add, collect, distribute, and return aliquots with blank quantity.

Disabled: You can add, collect, distribute, and return aliquots with blank quantity.


Please use the record type as “Specimen“ when trying to create aliquot with blank quantities.

Max. Child Specimens(new in v10.1)

Maximum number of child specimens that can be created from a parent specimen.

Default value 100

Specimens Update UI Limit

Maximum number of specimens that can be updated at a time using UI. The default value is 100.

MPI Format

Format for auto-generating master patient index (MPI).

The format should be like: Prefix + unique number + suffix

e.g MPI + %05d + ID ==> MPI00001ID

MPI Custom Generator

Custom Java class to auto-generate master patient index (MPI).

MPI RegEx Pattern

RegEx pattern to validate the master patient index (MPI).

e.g. The regEx pattern for an 8 digit number should be ^([0-9]{8})

MPI Custom Validator

Custom Java class to validate the master patient index (MPI).

Site-based Participant Access

Restrict access to participants based on the user's sites. By default, all participants within a protocol are displayed.

Enabled/ Disabled

Consent File Directory

Folder on the server to store participant consent files.

Participants Lookup Workflow

Spring bean name or fully qualified name of a class implementing customized matching participants lookup workflow. For example: bean: customisedLookup or class: com.krishagni.openspecimen.plugins.CustomisedLookup

UID Pattern

The pattern for participant unique identifier (UID)

UID Custom Validator

Custom validator for participant Unique ID field.

Survey Link Age

Number of days during which a survey link is valid.

Pending Specimens Display Interval

Pending specimens will be automatically hidden in specimen tree after specified number of days have elapsed since collection of parent specimen or visit.


If you add the value as '0', the pending specimens would be hidden immediately.

Shipment Received Quality

Regular expression for acceptable shipment received qualities.

Acceptable|Acceptable - Clotted

Specimens Sorting by Relationship Limit

Maximum number of specimens that can be sorted based on their relationship


Specimen Barcode Format (new in v5.0)

The system-level format for auto-generation of specimen barcodes.


Gel Image Directory

Folder on the server to store gel image files.

Specimen Label Printer Implementor

Name of the Java bean defined in the spring context for the implementor class


SPR De-identification

Name of the Spring bean implementing the customized logic of de-identifying surgical pathology reports.

SPR Directory

Folder on the server to store surgical pathology report files.

Staged Participants Retain Interval

Number of days to retain the details of a participant in the staging table

Anonymize Participants

Enable or disable features to anonymize the participant's PHI data.

Enabled/ Disabled

Path Reports

Enable or disable uploading of surgical pathology reports for a visit.

Enabled/ Disabled

CP Report

System-level collection protocol report settings. These settings are used when CP specific reporting settings are not specified


Specimen centric CP Report

System-level specimen centric collection protocol report settings. These settings are used when CP specific reporting settings are not specified. If this setting is also not specified then settings for regular CP reports is used


System Workflows

System-level participants and specimens list view configuration. This configuration is used when CP specific configuration is not specified

Two-Step Participant Registration

Enable or disable two-step participant registration workflow

Enabled/ Disabled

UID Mandatory

Enable participant's unique identifier field is mandatory

Enabled/ Disabled

Unique Specimen Barcode per CP

Enable or Disable uniqueness of Specimen barcodes at CP level. Enabling this setting ensures Specimen barcodes are unique only within Collection Protocol. Disabling this setting ensures no two specimen barcodes are the same throughout the system.

Enabled/ Disabled

Unique Specimen Label per CP

Enable or Disable uniqueness of Specimen labels at CP level. Enabling this setting ensures Specimen labels are unique only within Collection Protocol. Disabling this setting ensures no two specimen labels are the same throughout the system.

Enabled/ Disabled

Unplanned Visit Name Format

The system-level format for the unplanned visit names.


Visit Label Print Rules

CSV file containing the conditions which decides the data to be printed as labels and which printer to use

Visit Label Printer Implementor

Name of the Java bean defined in the spring context for the implementor class

Specimens Collection Manifest

HTML template for generating specimens collection manifest at the visit level.


Visits Lookup Workflow

Spring bean name or fully qualified name of a class implementing customized visits lookup workflow. For example: bean: customisedVisitsLookup or class: com.krishagni.openspecimen.plugins.CustomisedVisitsLookup


Visit Name Format

The system-level format for the planned visit names.


Zero Out Specimen Quantity

Enable to set the available quantity of specimens to zero when they are disposed.

