Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

You can configure the derivative/aliquot page based on the different criteria. This helps you eliminate the unwanted fields that are not needed on derivative/aliquot pages.


Code Block
    "aliquotsCollection": [
        "title": ...,
        "hideCopyFirstToAll": true

   "derivedSpecimens": [
        "title": ...,
        "hideCopyFirstToAll": true

Before configuring the JSON, the "Copy first to all" button is present on Create derivative page:

After configuring the JSON, "Copy first to all" button is hidden on Create derivative page:

Image Modified

After configuring the JSON, "Copy first to all" button is hidden on Create aliquot page:

Image Modified

Add ability to create aliquots from the 'Create Derivatives' page


Code Block
titleExample JSON
  "name" : "common",
  "view" : null,
  "ctrl" : null,
  "data" : {
    "derivedSpecimens" : [ {
      "title" : "Derived Specimens",
      "criteria" : {
        "rules" : [ {
          "field" : "",
          "op" : "exists"
        } ]
      "enableCofrc" : false,
      "fields" : [ {
        "name" : "specimen.parent.label",
        "caption" : "Parent Specimen",
        "type" : "span",
        "url" : "specimen({specimenId:})"
      }, {
        "name" : "specimen.parent.type",
        "caption" : "Parent Type",
        "type" : "span"
      }, {
        "name" : "specimen.label",
        "caption" : "Label",
        "type" : "text",
        "optional" : false,
        "showIf" : {
          "tabMode" : true,
          "op" : "OR",
          "rules" : [ {
            "field" : "viewCtx.inputLabels",
            "op" : "==",
            "value" : "true"
          } ]
        "copyValueFn" : "function(firstRowVal, currentVal) { if (!!currentVal) { return currentVal; } else { return ''; } }"
      }, {
        "name" : "specimen.parent.availableQty",
        "caption" : "Parent Quantity",
        "type" : "span",
        "width" : "120px"
      }, {
        "name" : "specimen.type",
        "caption" : "Type",
        "type" : "specimen-type",
        "specimen" : "specimen",
        "optional" : false,
        "width" : "185px"
      }, {
        "name" : "specimen.initialQty",
        "caption" : "Quantity",
        "type" : "specimen-quantity",
        "specimen" : "specimen",
        "optional" : true,
        "width" : "100px"
      }, {
        "name" : "specimen.createdOn",
        "caption" : "Created On",
        "type" : "date",
        "optional" : true,
        "defaultValue" : "current_date"
      }, {
        "name" : "specimen.createdBy",
        "caption" : "Created By",
        "type" : "user",
        "defaultValue" : "current_user",
        "optional" : true,
        "listSource" : {
          "queryParams" : {
            "static" : {
              "excludeType" : "CONTACT"
        "name" : "specimen.storageLocation",
        "caption" : "Location",
        "type" : "storage-position",
        "optional" : true,
        "cpId" : "specimen.cpId",
        "entity" : "specimen",
        "width" : "240px",
        "copyValueFn" : "function(firstRowVal, currentVal) { if ((!!currentVal && !!currentVal.reservationId) && (!!firstRowVal && 					!!firstRowVal.reservationId)) { return currentVal;} else if (firstRowVal) { return { id: '', name:, mode: firstRowVal.mode, positionX: '', positionY: '', position: '', reservationId: '' };} else { return {}; }}"
      }, {
        "name" : "specimen.createAliquots",
        "caption" : "Create Aliquots?",
        "icon" : "fa fa-share-alt",
        "type" : "toggle-checkbox",
        "width" : "30px"
      }, {
        "name" : "specimen.printLabel",
        "caption" : "Print",
        "icon" : "fa fa-print",
        "type" : "toggle-checkbox",
        "width" : "30px"
      }, {
        "name" : "specimen.closeParent",
        "caption" : "Close Parent",
        "icon" : "fa fa-ban",
        "type" : "toggle-checkbox",
        "width" : "30px",
        "defaultValue" : false
      } ]
    } ]

Set default and hide the field in the derived/aliquots creation page.

In the below example, the field is defaulted to its parent value and hidden from the data entry screen.

Code Block
titleExample JSON
        "name" : "specimen.extensionDetail.attrsMap.ST4",
        "baseField" : "specimen.extensionDetail.attrsMap.ST4",
        "defaultValue" : "field: specimen.parent.extensionDetail.attrsMap.ST4",
        "hideColumn" : true