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Create Form Permission

By default, super admins or institute admins can manage forms. Select the 'Manage Forms?' checkbox on the 'Create User' page for other users to give this privilege to other usersform privileges.





You can create forms for your site and study if you have the 'Manage Forms?' privilege, you can create forms for your site and study.

titleSteps to create forms
  • Click on 'Forms' from the navigation menu or the home screen.

  • Click on '+Create' to create a new form.

    CF 2.png

  • Add the 'Title' of the form and click on 'Create'.

    CF 3.png


titleSteps to add controls
  • To add new controls/fields to the form, click on ‘+ Add Field’.

    CF 4.png

  • Select the control type

    CF 6.pngImage Added

  • Add the ‘Display Name’ and click on 'DoneSave'

    CF 6.pngImage RemovedCF6after.pngImage Added


  1. MySQL DB restricts the number of fields supported in a table, so don’t create too long forms.

  2. The number of fields supported depends on the data type of the fields. E.g., You can have 25-30 number fields in place of a single text field.

  3. If the form is a mix of control types, please restrict it to not more than 75 fields.


titleClick to view field properties





Title of the form


System generated name

Please do not change this or blank it out.


Control type (Read-only)

Display Label

Display name of the form field

Variable Name

The attribute name of the form field.

Ensure the variable name is unique within the form.

Special characters and spaces are not allowed.


Pop up displayed when you move the mouse over the field. Useful to set descriptions or guidelines about the field.

Default Value

Default Value set for the field.

The default value can be set within the 'Permissible values' section for enumerated field types like dropdowns, radio buttons, or list boxes.


Button to make any field as ‘Protected health information’. This value will be hidden from users who do not have access to PHI.

Required (Mandatory)

To set the form field as required.

Show in Grid

For the forms attached at the ‘Specimen Event’ level, this attribute is shown in the events list under each specimen.

This is used for ‘User’ and ‘Date and Time’ type fields, and must have the variable names ‘user’ and ‘time’ respectively. For further information, please refer to Specimen Events.


The number of rows to be shown in the text area.

Only applicable to Text Area

Number of Fraction Digits

The number of digits to show after the decimal

Set this to zero if you want only whole numbers like for ‘Age’.

Only applicable to Number Field


Minimum and Maximum values to be restricted for the field

Only applicable to Number Field

Permissible Values Ordering

The sorting order of the values to be displayed.


Only applicable to enumerated field types like radio button, dropdown, etc.

Options Per Row

Values to be shown per row of the field

Only applicable to radio button and checkbox.

Default Checked

Checkbox to make field checked by default

Only applicable to Yes/No Checkbox.


The format of the date field

Date Only
Date and Time

Only applicable to Date Picker.

Default Date

Default date

Current Date

Only applicable to Date Picker.

Display on the same row as the last field (v8.1)

Adds the field in the same row as the last field

Numeric Value

Enabled only for PV dropdown and dropdown has integer values like 122, 2, 700 etc

Add Permissible Values


For fields like dropdown, radio button, multi-select dropdown, and checkbox controls, you can manually add the permissible values or upload the text or CSV file containing the permissible values.

titleClick to view the steps to uploas PVs
  • Create a text or CSV file of the permissible values to be added.

  • Click on the 'Edit' icon of the field that you want to upload PVs for.

    CF 7.png

  • Click on ‘Add Option’ to manually add values or click ‘+ Upload Options’ to add PVs using a CSV file.

    CF 8.png


When you export a form, the dropdown values are exported as separate CSV only if it has more than 15 values.


You can also use the permissible value available in the Dropdown Manager to add into to your custom Fieldfield

titleClick to view the steps to add PVs
  • Click on '+ Add Field' and select 'Permissible Value'.

  • Add Enter the field name of your choice →

  • The field ‘Dropdown’ will show all the available fields in the dropdown manager.

  • Select the dropdown value of your choice from the 'Dropdown' option → Save it.

    CF 10.png
  • Click on 'Done' to save the Form

    CF 11.png

Advantages of adding PVs using the dropdown manager

  • They are easier Easier to maintain.

  • You can directly export the values for the field and use them in other forms.

  • Also, changes Changes in the dropdown manager automatically update in the form. For manually added dropdowns, data must be changed separately when altering a value.

Refer the wiki page to Dropdown Manager to create a dropdown and follow the steps mentioned in the add PVs using the dropdown manager section to add the dropdown to the form.

Refer to the wiki page to have a multiselect multi-select option for PVs field.

Edit Form

You can edit any form field such as changing the display name , add or adding more options to enumerated fields like dropdown, radio button, etc.

titleClick to view the steps to edit the form
  • Navigate to 'Forms'.Select the form you want to edit.

  • Click on the 'Edit' icon for the particular field that you want to edit.

    CF 12.png

  • Make required changes and save.

    CF 13.png

Rearrange Fields

You can drag the fields by clicking on the six dots and dropping them to the required position.



You can preview the form by clicking on the ‘Preview’ button present on the form overview page.


User can preview the form


Change Control Type


The below edits are supported from v8.1 for changing control types:


titleClick to view the steps
  • Create a form with different controls.

  • Click on the change icon.

    CF 17.png

The icon will only appear for the radio button, dropdown, multi-select dropdown, and checkbox fields.

Display Fields on the Same Row


Fields can be displayed on the same row.

titleClick to view the steps
  • Click on the checkbox 'Display on the same row as the last field'

    CF 18.png

    Clicking on 'Preview' button user can see two fields in the same row

    CF 19.png

  • To display the field in the same row as a field other than the previous field, first drag and drop the fields as required.

If you move a field that is part of fields in the same row, the line is broken. So you have to configure it again if you want it on the same line or a different one.


Once the field is deleted, the previous data entered for the field is also deleted.

titleClick to view the steps
  • Navigate to ‘Forms’.Click on the form from which you want to Delete delete the field.

  • Click on the ‘Delete’ icon for the particular field you want to delete.

    CF 20.png

  • Click on ‘Yes’ on the pop window to confirm the deletion.

    CF 21.png
  • If any form field is deleted accidentally, then refer to the Undo Delete field link to revert the deletion.
