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Go to the CP Overview Page and click on the 'Settings' tab on the left sidebar. Image Removed Image AddedSelect ‘REDCap Project Configuration' and click on the 'Add Project’ button. Image Removed Image AddedProvide information on the project name, server name, API token, site, PHI data, snapshot download page size, and users, and then click on 'Next'. Image Removed Image Added
Data Dictionary for Project details Field Name | Mandatory? | Description |
Name | Yes | Free text to enter a name for the REDCap Project. For example, Testing_RC | Server Name | Yes | Name for the REDCap server where your REDCap server is configured. For example, OpenSpecimen REDCap QA server | API Token | Yes | User-specific API token generated for the project. For example, A411D356AXYRC0C8A2742EBC366778HD | Site | No | The site linked with your collection protocol. | Save PHI Data | Yes | 'Enable' or 'Disable' option to allow or prevent the collection of the participant's Personal Health Information (PHI). Info |
When you use the ''Save PHI data" option as Disabled, OS will not pull any RC field marked as 'Identifier' in the RC instrument/form set-up. Usually, these fields are 'First Name', 'Last Name', 'MRN', 'DOB', etc. |
| Snapshot Download Page Size | No | Specifies the maximum number of records that will be pulled from the REDCap at each interval. This is repeated ‘N' numbers of times until all records are pulled. It helps to minimize the overload to the OpenSpecimen server. For example, if there are 10,000 records in the REDCap project, and you have set the 'Snapshot Download Page Size' value to 5000, then OpenSpecimen will take two turns to pull all 10,000 records from the REDCap. The default value is '1000’. | Notify Users on Errors | No | Specify the users' names who will be notified of any error during the REDCap synchronization process. |
Mapping Participants and Visits
Mapping can be done at two levels: Participant (Both classical and longitudinal studies) and Visit (Longitudinal study)
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When you are adding a mapping for participant or visit fields, make sure there is no gaps space between OS and RC fieldsfield. If you introduce a space, the mapping will not be saved. For example: Correct mapping: rcRecordId=ppid Incorrect mapping: rcRecordId = ppid |
Participant Level Mapping
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After adding the project details, you can move to the ‘Fields and Events Mapping’ page by clicking the Next button. Image AddedMap REDCap variables (on the left) obtained from the 'data dictionary' to OpenSpecimen (on the right) as shown below. Image Added Image Removed Image Added
List of Participant Fields and Variables
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Field Name | Variable Name |
PPID | ppid | Registration Date | registrationDate | External Subject ID | externalSubjectId | Registration Site | site | First Name | participant.firstName | Last Name | participant.lastName | Middle Name | participant.middleName | Birth Date | participant.birthDate | Death Date | participant.deathDate | Gender | participant.gender | Races | participant.races | Vital Status | participant.vitalStatus | Ethnicity | participant.ethnicities | eMPI | participant.empi | National ID / SSN | participant.uid | MRN Site | participant.pmis.siteName | MRN | participant.pmis.mrn | Email Address (v10.3) | participant.emailAddress | Custom field | participant.extensionDetail.attrsMap.<custom_field_name> For example: if the field name is 'redcap_age' in the custom form the use: participant.extensionDetail.attrsMap.redcap_age |
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Like 'Participant Level Mapping', map visits fields for the REDCap project as shown below.  Additionally, you can map events for the REDCap project, as shown below.  Those events from REDCap which are not mapped can create unwanted, unplanned events in OpenSpecimen. To avoid this, click on the 'Ignore Unmapped Events’ checkbox as shown above in the red box.
List of Visit Fields and Variables
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Fields Name | Variable Name |
Visit Name | name | Event Label | eventLabel | Visit Date | visitDate | Clinical Diagnosis | clinicalDiagnoses | Visit Site | site | Clinical Status | clinicalStatus | Path. Report Number | surgicalPathologyNumber | Cohort | cohort | Comments | comments | Visit Status | status | Custom Field | extensionDetail.attrsMap.<custom_field_name> For example: if the field name is 'visit_number' in the custom form the use: extensionDetail.attrsMap.visit_number |
Mapping and auto-generating Labels
OpenSpecimen provides option to auto-generate labels. However, the PPID and visit name can also be synced from REDCap by mapping it in the configuration.
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When the label format is not configured on OS: When the format is configured in OS: Since the label is being generated by OS, users do need not to add the mapping for it. However, for participants, OpenSpecimen needs a one-to-one link for the participant record. In such a scenario, you need to add mapping for at least 1 participant identifier such as eMPI or MRN or External ID.
Advance Features
Add the list of forms/fields separated by comma, tab, or newline.
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title | Steps for mapping one PV from REDCap to one PV on OpenSpecimen |
Let's say you want to map the gender value "M" received from the REDCap project to the corresponding OpenSpecimen PV "Male". To do so, you can follow the given steps: Go to Extras from the homepage and select Dropdown Manager. Click on the "Gender" attribute and click on 'Male' PV. Click on 'Edit', and under properties, enter the name of the PV Mapping Key and its corresponding value for your REDCap study.
Mapping Specific CP The property name is the same as the "PV Mapping Key" displayed on the OS-RC configuration page. Name: RC_<CP_ID>_<RC_Project_ID> Value: To which the value should be mapped.  Mapping for all CPs under a single site The property name is RC_<site_id>. The site ID can be obtained from the sites list view in the following steps: Go to the 'site' page from the homepage and select the sites you are interested in. Click on the 'Export' button to download the .csv file. Open the file, and you can see the 'site id' as 'identifier'.
  Mapping all REDCap projects irrespective of sites or CP The property name is RC, as illustrated in the below image.  |