To enable OpenSpecimen to send notifications, the appropriate values for the various properties under the ‘Email’ module of settings must be configured first. Refer ‘Module: Emails’ section for various properties and refer steps to configure those properties.
Follow the below steps to configure the email notifications settings:
List of email notifications sent by the system
Info |
All users linked with CP: All users who have a role assigned for that CP. You can review this by looking at User's -> Role tab or exporting the Role CSV from the Users page. Site admin: All users, who have ‘Admin’ role in User’s → Role tab, for a specific site and ‘All current and future collection protocols’ IT admin: IT admin email address is mentioned in Settings --> IT administrator email address. This email address is optional and receives notifications for uncaught system errors Administrator email address: Email address is mentioned in Settings --> ‘Administrator Email Address'. All the emails in the systems are CC’d to this email. |
Object | Feature | Details | Recipient |
Collection Protocol | Create CP | This email notification is sent when any new collection protocol is created. | Super Admin Site Admin All users linked with CP |
Collection Protocol | Clone CP | This email notification is sent when any collection protocol is created by cloning existing CP. | Super Admin Site Admin All users linked with CP |
Collection Protocol | Delete CP | This email notification is sent when any collection protocol is deleted | Super Admin Site Admin All users linked with CP |
Collection Protocol | Import CP | This email notification is sent when any CP is imported | Super Admin Site Admin All users linked with CP |
Collection Protocol | Add/ Remove site from the CP | This email notification is sent when any site is assigned to CP or removed from the CP. | Site Admin of the CP |
Collection Protocol | Add/ Remove PI from the CP | This email notification is sent when any user is assigned to CP as PI or removed from the CP. | PI user |
Collection Protocol | Add/ Remove Coordinator from the CP | This email notification is sent when any user is added or removed from the CP. | All users linked with CP |
Collection Protocol | Expiring CP | This email notification is sent when any collection protocol expires based on the ‘End Date’ set in the protocol. | Super Admin Site Admin All users linked with CP |
Collection Protocol | Download CP Report | This email notification is sent when any CP report is downloaded | The user who downloads the CP report |
Distribution Protocol | Create a distribution protocol | This email notification is sent when any distribution protocol is created | PI of DP. Receiving Institute admin of DP. |
Distribution Protocol | Delete distribution protocol | This email notification is sent when any distribution protocol is deleted | PI of DP. Receiving Institute admin of DP. |
Distribution Protocol | Expiring DP | This email notification is sent when any DP expires based on the end date specified in DP. | PI of DP. Receiving Institute admin of DP. |
User | New user sign up | This email notification is sent when any new user signs up to OpenSpecimen | Super Admin Institute admin Signed up user |
User | Approve sign-up request | This email notification is sent when sign up request is approved | Super Admin Institute admin Admin who approved the request The user whose request is approved |
User | Reject sign-up request | This email notification is sent when sign up request is rejected | Super Admin Institute admin Admin who rejected the request The user whose request is rejected |
User | Create user | This email notification is sent when any admin user creates any new user | Super Admin Institute admin Admin who creates the user The user whose account is created |
User | The account locked due to the wrong password | This email notification is sent when any user's account gets locked due to maximal failed login attempts. | Super Admin Site admin The user whose account is locked |
User | Account locked due to password expiry | This email notification is sent when any user's account gets locked due to password expiry. | The user whose account is locked |
User | Account locked by admin | This email notification is sent when the admin locks any users account | Super Admin Institute admin The user whose account is locked |
User | Password Expiry | This email notification is sent several days before the password expiry date. | The user whose account password is going to expire |
User | Account unlocked | This email notification is sent when any locked users account is unlocked | Super Admin Site admin The user whose account is unlocked The user who unlocked the account |
User | Delete user | This email notification is sent when any user’s account is deleted | Super Admin Site admin The user whose account is deleted The user who deleted the account |
User | Assign/Remove Role | This email notification is sent when any role is assigned to the user | Super Admins The user whose role is updated or removed |
User | Password Change | This email notification is sent when any user’s account password is reset | The user whose accounts password is reset |
User | Inactive users | This email notification is sent a number of days configured before accounts inactivity | Inactive user |
Query | Export query results | This email notification is sent when any query results are exported | The user who exported the query data |
Query | Share queries folder | This email notification is sent when any query folder is shared with specific users. | The user with whom the query folder is shared |
Query | Export query results | This email notification is sent when the query data is exported | The user who exported the query results |
Order | Distribute specimens | This email notification is sent when an order is processed | Order creator Requester |
Shipment | Shipment shipped/ received | This email notification is sent when any shipment is shipped or received | Site admin User with ‘Shipping and Tracking’ Create/ Update role |
Shipment | Request Status | This email notification is sent when user updates ‘Request Status’ | Sender Requester Notify Users |
Cart | Share cart | This email notification is sent when any cart is shared with the users | User with whom the cart is shared |
Cart | Revoke users access | This email notification is sent when user access is revoked from the cart. | The user whose access is revoked |
Bulk Import | Bulk import jobs | This email notification is sent when the bulk import jobs get failed/are completed. | The user who initiated the bulk import job |
Bulk Export | Bulk export jobs | This email notification is sent when the data is exported from OS | The user who exported the data |
Jobs | Scheduled job failed | This email notification is sent when any scheduled job is failed | Configured Users in Email Settings |
Jobs | Scheduled job finished | This email notification is sent when any scheduled job is finished | Configured Users in Email Settings |
Automatic Freezers | Daily activity report | This email notification is sent daily about the activity report of the integrated automatic freezers e.g. Hamilton BIOS | All admins IT admin |
Announcement | Announcement emails | The super admin sends this email notification for any announcement in the OS. | All the users |
Login audit report | Monthly report for login | This monthly report is sent to all super admins about the login audit of all users for that month. | All super admins |
Features that send emails
Object | Feature | Details | Recipient |
User | User Sign-On Request | This email notification is sent when new users sign in for a user account from the OpenSpecimen login page. | System administrator |
User | User Creation or User Request Approval | This email notification is sent when a new user sign-in request is approved or rejected, or the administrator creates a new user. The email contains login details. | New User |
Order | Order Distribution | This email notification is sent when an order is processed |
Query | Share Query Folder | This email notification is sent when a query folder is shared with user/s. The email contains a direct link to access the query folder and requires the user to log in. | User/s with whom the query folder was shared |
Query | Export Large Query Result Data(>10000 rows) | This email notification is sent when the user exports query results that have large result sets> 10000 records. The email contains a link to download the exported data. The user needs to sign in before downloading the data. | The user who exported query results data |
User | Reset Password | When the user requests a new password, a password reset link is sent to the user. Only the user who requested it can access the link, and whichires after one day. | The user who requested for reset password |
List | Share Specimen List | This email notification is sent when a specimen list is shared with user/s. The email contains a direct link to access the specimen list and requires the user to log in. | User/s to whom the specimen list was shared |
User | Roles Update | Email notification is sent when any user's role is changed or updated. The email contains details of the user's updated role. | Super Admins The user who's role is updated. |
Disable email notification per user