Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Sr No.Test CaseResults

Only one visit exist for the time point selected

Uses the same visit and show all the pending specimen to collect

2No visit existsCreate new visit
3More than one complete visit exists - with different visit datesChoose the latest visit for collection
4One complete and one pending visit existsUses the Pending visit
5One complete and one missed visit existsUses the complete visit to collect the pending specimens
6Only 1 missed visit exists

Create new visit

7Visit exist with few specimens collectedThrow error saying, No pending specimens to collect in this visit. 

Code Block
titleExample JSON (visit-lookup)
[ {
  "name" : "specimenCollection",
  "view" : null,
  "ctrl" : null,
  "data" : {
    "showVisitDetails" : true,
    "showCollectionEvent" : false,
    "showReceivedEvent" : false,
    "defReceiveQuality" : "Acceptable",
    "fieldGroups" : [ {
      "title" : "Primary Specimen Details",
      "criteria" : {
        "rules" : [ {
          "field" : "specimen.lineage",
          "op" : "==",
          "value" : "'New'"
        } ]
      "enableCofrc" : false,
      "fields" : [ {
        "name" : "specimen.label",
        "baseField" : "specimen.label",
        "type" : "span"
      }, {
        "name" : "specimen.type",
        "baseField" : "specimen.type",
        "type" : "span"
      }, {
        "name" : "specimen.receivedEvent.receivedQuality",
        "baseField" : "specimen.receivedEvent.receivedQuality"
      }, {
        "name" : "specimen.biohazards",
        "baseField" : "specimen.biohazards"
      }, {
        "name" : "specimen.extensionDetail.attrsMap.DD5",
        "baseField" : "specimen.extensionDetail.attrsMap.DD5"
      }, {
        "name" : "specimen.collectionEvent.procedure",
        "baseField" : "specimen.collectionEvent.procedure"
      }, {
        "name" : "specimen.collectionEvent.time",
        "baseField" : "specimen.collectionEvent.time"
      }, {
        "name" : "specimen.extensionDetail.attrsMap.DD6",
        "baseField" : "specimen.extensionDetail.attrsMap.DD6"
      }, {
        "name" : "specimen.receivedEvent.time",
        "baseField" : "specimen.receivedEvent.time"
      }, {
        "name" : "specimen.extensionDetail.attrsMap.DD8",
        "baseField" : "specimen.extensionDetail.attrsMap.DD8"
      }, {
        "name" : "specimen.createdBy",
        "baseField" : "specimen.createdBy",
        "caption" : "Processed By User"
      }, {
        "name" : "specimen.createdOn",
        "baseField" : "specimen.createdOn",
        "caption" : "Processed Time"
      }, {
        "name" : "specimen.extensionDetail.attrsMap.DD9",
        "baseField" : "specimen.extensionDetail.attrsMap.DD9"
      } ]
    }, {
      "title" : "Derived: Processing details",
      "criteria" : {
        "op" : "AND",
        "rules" : [ {
          "field" : "specimen.lineage",
          "op" : "==",
          "value" : "'Derived'"
        } ]
      "enableCofrc" : false,
      "hideTable" : true,
      "fields" : [ {
        "name" : "specimen.label",
        "baseField" : "specimen.label",
        "type" : "span"
      }, {
        "name" : "specimen.type",
        "baseField" : "specimen.type",
        "type" : "span"
      }, {
        "name" : "specimen.createdOn",
        "baseField" : "specimen.createdOn",
        "caption" : "Processed Time"
      }, {
        "name" : "specimen.extensionDetail.attrsMap.DD9",
        "baseField" : "specimen.extensionDetail.attrsMap.DD9"
      }, {
        "name" : "specimen.createdBy",
        "baseField" : "specimen.createdBy",
        "caption" : "Processed By User"
      } ]
    }, {
      "title" : "Frozen Details: Blood Samples",
      "criteria" : {
        "op" : "AND",
        "rules" : [ {
          "field" : "specimen.lineage",
          "op" : "==",
          "value" : "'Aliquot'"
        }, {
          "field" : "specimen.type",
          "op" : ".search('CBMC|Cord Blood, Arterial|Cord Blood, venous|Granulocytes|PBMC|Plasma, Lith Hep|Plasma, spun once, EDTA Potassium|Serum|Whole Blood|Whole blood, Clot activated|Whole Blood, EDTA|Whole Blood, FACS|Whole Blood, Lith Hep|Whole Blood, NH Trace|Whole Blood, PAX|Whole Blood, RPMI') != ",
          "value" : "-1"
        } ]
      "enableCofrc" : true,
      "fields" : [ {
        "name" : "specimen.label",
        "baseField" : "specimen.label",
        "type" : "span"
      }, {
        "name" : "specimen.type",
        "baseField" : "specimen.type",
        "type" : "span"
      }, {
        "name" : "events.SpecimenFrozenEvent.time",
        "baseField" : ""
      }, {
        "name" : "events.SpecimenFrozenEvent.user",
        "baseField" : "",
        "caption" : "Frozen By"
      }, {
        "name" : "events.SpecimenFrozenEvent.comments",
        "baseField" : ""
      }, {
        "name" : "events.SpecimenFrozenEvent.frozenMethod",
        "baseField" : "",
        "caption" : "Frozen Method",
        "defaultValue" : "Not Specified",
        "hideColumn" : true
      } ]
    }, {
      "title" : "Frozen Details: Other Samples",
      "criteria" : {
        "op" : "AND",
        "rules" : [ {
          "field" : "specimen.lineage",
          "op" : "==",
          "value" : "'Aliquot'"
        }, {
          "field" : "specimen.type",
          "op" : ".search('CBMC|Cord Blood, Arterial|Cord Blood, venous|Granulocytes|PBMC|Plasma, Lith Hep|Plasma, spun once, EDTA Potassium|Serum|Whole Blood|Whole blood, Clot activated|Whole Blood, EDTA|Whole Blood, FACS|Whole Blood, Lith Hep|Whole Blood, NH Trace|Whole Blood, PAX|Whole Blood, RPMI|Placenta, MR|Placenta, MM|Placenta, MRNA|Placenta|Placenta, MB|Placenta, PVC|Placenta, PV|Placenta, PVRNA|Placenta, PD|Placenta, membrane|Placenta, biopsy') == ",
          "value" : "-1"
        } ]
      "enableCofrc" : true,
      "fields" : [ {
        "name" : "specimen.label",
        "baseField" : "specimen.label",
        "type" : "span"
      }, {
        "name" : "specimen.type",
        "baseField" : "specimen.type",
        "type" : "span"
      }, {
        "name" : "events.SpecimenFrozenEvent.time",
        "baseField" : ""
      }, {
        "name" : "events.SpecimenFrozenEvent.user",
        "baseField" : "",
        "caption" : "Frozen By"
      }, {
        "name" : "events.SpecimenFrozenEvent.comments",
        "baseField" : ""
      }, {
        "name" : "events.SpecimenFrozenEvent.frozenMethod",
        "baseField" : "",
        "caption" : "Frozen Method",
        "defaultValue" : "Not Specified",
        "hideColumn" : true
      } ]
    }, {
      "title" : "Viability for CBMC/PBMC",
      "criteria" : {
        "op" : "AND",
        "rules" : [ {
          "field" : "specimen.lineage",
          "op" : "==",
          "value" : "'Aliquot'"
        }, {
          "field" : "specimen.type",
          "op" : ".search('CBMC|PBMC') != ",
          "value" : "-1"
        } ]
      "enableCofrc" : true,
      "fields" : [ {
        "name" : "specimen.label",
        "baseField" : "specimen.label",
        "type" : "span"
      }, {
        "name" : "specimen.type",
        "baseField" : "specimen.type",
        "type" : "span"
      }, {
        "name" : "specimen.extensionDetail.attrsMap.NT4",
        "baseField" : "specimen.extensionDetail.attrsMap.NT4",
        "caption" : "Viability"
      } ]
    }, {
      "title" : "Aliquot: Processing details",
      "criteria" : {
        "op" : "AND",
        "rules" : [ {
          "field" : "specimen.lineage",
          "op" : "==",
          "value" : "'Aliquot'"
        } ]
      "enableCofrc" : true,
      "hideTable" : true,
      "fields" : [ {
        "name" : "specimen.label",
        "baseField" : "specimen.label",
        "type" : "span"
      }, {
        "name" : "specimen.type",
        "baseField" : "specimen.type",
        "type" : "span"
      }, {
        "name" : "specimen.createdOn",
        "baseField" : "specimen.createdOn",
        "caption" : "Processed Time"
      }, {
        "name" : "specimen.createdBy",
        "baseField" : "specimen.createdBy",
        "caption" : "Processed By User"
      } ]
    } ]
}, {
  "name" : "rde",
  "view" : null,
  "ctrl" : null,
  "data" : {
    "lookupVisit" : "true",
    "collectionWorkflow" : "standard",
    "regFields" : [ {
      "name" : "cpr.ppid",
      "baseField" : "cpr.ppid",
      "caption" : "ORIGINS Pregnancy Number"
    }, {
      "name" : "cpr.participant.birthDate",
      "baseField" : "cpr.participant.birthDate",
      "caption" : "Date Of Birth",
      "width" : "40px"
    }, {
      "name" : "cpr.participant.extensionDetail.attrsMap.DD5",
      "baseField" : "cpr.participant.extensionDetail.attrsMap.DD5",
      "caption" : "Origins Study Status",
      "width" : "40px",
      "type" : "span"
    }, {
      "name" : "cpr.participant.extensionDetail.attrsMap.DD15",
      "baseField" : "cpr.participant.extensionDetail.attrsMap.DD15",
      "caption" : "Mother Consent Form Level",
      "width" : "40px",
      "type" : "span"
    }, {
      "name" : "cpr.participant.extensionDetail.attrsMap.MLB16",
      "baseField" : "cpr.participant.extensionDetail.attrsMap.MLB16",
      "caption" : "Is the mother part of Nested Study?",
      "width" : "40px",
      "type" : "span"
    } ],
    "visitFields" : [ [ {
      "name" : "visit.visitDate",
      "baseField" : "visit.visitDate"
    } ] ],
    "specimenFields" : [ {
      "title" : "Collection Event",
      "criteria" : {
        "op" : "AND",
        "rules" : [ {
          "field" : "specimen.lineage",
          "op" : "==",
          "value" : "'New'"
        } ]
      "enableCofrc" : false,
      "fields" : [ {
        "name" : "specimen.label",
        "baseField" : "specimen.label",
        "type" : "span"
      }, {
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        "baseField" : "specimen.type",
        "type" : "span"
      }, {
        "name" : "specimen.initialQty",
        "baseField" : "specimen.initialQty"
      }, {
        "name" : "specimen.collectionEvent.user",
        "baseField" : "specimen.collectionEvent.user"
      }, {
        "name" : "specimen.collectionEvent.time",
        "baseField" : "specimen.collectionEvent.time"
      } ]
    }, {
      "title" : "Maternal Urine Type",
      "criteria" : {
        "op" : "AND",
        "rules" : [ {
          "field" : "specimen.lineage",
          "op" : "==",
          "value" : "'New'"
        }, {
          "field" : "specimen.type",
          "op" : "==",
          "value" : "'Urine, random'"
        } ]
      "fields" : [ {
        "name" : "specimen.label",
        "baseField" : "specimen.label",
        "type" : "span"
      }, {
        "name" : "specimen.type",
        "baseField" : "specimen.type",
        "type" : "span"
      }, {
        "name" : "specimen.extensionDetail.attrsMap.DD2",
        "baseField" : "specimen.extensionDetail.attrsMap.DD2"
      } ]
    }, {
      "title" : "Maternal Breast Expression Type",
      "criteria" : {
        "op" : "AND",
        "rules" : [ {
          "field" : "specimen.lineage",
          "op" : "==",
          "value" : "'New'"
        }, {
          "field" : "specimen.type",
          "op" : "==",
          "value" : "'Breast Milk'"
        } ]
      "enableCofrc" : false,
      "fields" : [ {
        "name" : "specimen.label",
        "baseField" : "specimen.label",
        "type" : "span"
      }, {
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        "baseField" : "specimen.type",
        "type" : "span"
      }, {
        "name" : "specimen.extensionDetail.attrsMap.DD3",
        "baseField" : "specimen.extensionDetail.attrsMap.DD3"
      } ]
    }, {
      "title" : "Urine Aliquot Details",
      "criteria" : {
        "op" : "AND",
        "rules" : [ {
          "field" : "specimen.lineage",
          "op" : "==",
          "value" : "'Aliquot'"
        }, {
          "field" : "specimen.type",
          "op" : "==",
          "value" : "'Urine, random'"
        } ]
      "enableCofrc" : true,
      "fields" : [ {
        "name" : "specimen.label",
        "baseField" : "specimen.label",
        "type" : "span"
      }, {
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        "baseField" : "specimen.type",
        "type" : "span"
      }, {
        "name" : "specimen.initialQty",
        "baseField" : "specimen.initialQty"
      }, {
        "name" : "specimen.storageLocation",
        "baseField" : "specimen.storageLocation"
      }, {
        "name" : "events.SpecimenFrozenEvent.frozenMethod",
        "baseField" : "",
        "hideColumn" : true
      }, {
        "name" : "events.SpecimenFrozenEvent.time",
        "baseField" : ""
      } ]
    }, {
      "title" : "Breast Milk Aliquot Details",
      "criteria" : {
        "op" : "AND",
        "rules" : [ {
          "field" : "specimen.lineage",
          "op" : "==",
          "value" : "'Aliquot'"
        }, {
          "field" : "specimen.type",
          "op" : "==",
          "value" : "'Breast Milk'"
        } ]
      "enableCofrc" : true,
      "fields" : [ {
        "name" : "specimen.label",
        "baseField" : "specimen.label",
        "type" : "span"
      }, {
        "name" : "specimen.type",
        "baseField" : "specimen.type",
        "type" : "span"
      }, {
        "name" : "specimen.initialQty",
        "baseField" : "specimen.initialQty"
      }, {
        "name" : "specimen.storageLocation",
        "baseField" : "specimen.storageLocation"
      }, {
        "name" : "events.SpecimenFrozenEvent.frozenMethod",
        "baseField" : "",
        "hideColumn" : true
      }, {
        "name" : "events.SpecimenFrozenEvent.time",
        "baseField" : ""
      } ]
    } ],
    "showPrintLabels" : false,
    "missedReasonReq" : false,
    "boxScanning" : true,
    "boxLayouts" : [ {
      "rows" : 8,
      "columns" : 12,
      "newRowOnChange" : [ "ppid" ],
      "cellWidth" : "200px",
      "criteria" : {
        "op" : "OR",
        "rules" : [ {
          "field" : "specimen.type",
          "op" : "==",
          "value" : "'Serum'"
        } ]
    }, {
      "rows" : 6,
      "columns" : 8,
      "newRowOnChange" : [ "ppid" ],
      "cellWidth" : "200px",
      "criteria" : {
        "op" : "OR",
        "rules" : [ {
          "field" : "specimen.type",
          "op" : "==",
          "value" : "'Plasma, Lith Hep'"
        } ]
    }, {
      "rows" : 8,
      "columns" : 8,
      "newRowOnChange" : [ "ppid" ],
      "cellWidth" : "200px",
      "criteria" : {
        "op" : "OR",
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          "op" : "==",
          "value" : "'Breast Milk'"
        } ]
    }, {
      "rows" : 10,
      "columns" : 10,
      "newRowOnChange" : [ "ppid" ],
      "cellWidth" : "200px",
      "criteria" : {
        "op" : "OR",
        "rules" : [ {
          "field" : "specimen.type",
          "op" : "==",
          "value" : "'Urine, random'"
        } ]
    } ],
    "emailNotifs" : { },
    "spmnScanning" : { }
}, {
  "name" : "dictionary",
  "view" : null,
  "ctrl" : null,
  "data" : {
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      "name" : "cpr.ppid",
      "caption" : "ORIGINS Pregnancy Number",
      "type" : "text",
      "optional" : false,
      "showIf" : {
        "op" : "OR",
        "rules" : [ {
          "field" : "cp.ppidFmt",
          "op" : "not_exist"
        }, {
          "field" : "cp.manualPpidEnabled",
          "op" : "exists"
        } ]
    }, {
      "name" : "cpr.participant.extensionDetail.attrsMap.NT28",
      "caption" : "ORIGINS Unique ID",
      "type" : "text",
      "optional" : true
    }, {
      "name" : "cpr.participant.birthDate",
      "caption" : "Date of Birth",
      "type" : "date",
      "dateOnly" : true,
      "optional" : true
    }, {
      "name" : "cpr.registrationDate",
      "caption" : "Registration Date",
      "type" : "date",
      "dateOnly" : true,
      "optional" : true,
      "defaultValue" : "current_date"
    }, {
      "name" : "cpr.participant.extensionDetail.attrsMap.DP3",
      "caption" : "Estimated Date of Delivery",
      "type" : "date",
      "optional" : true
    }, {
      "name" : "cpr.participant.extensionDetail.attrsMap.DD20",
      "caption" : "Birthing Hospital",
      "type" : "dropdown",
      "optional" : true,
      "listSource" : {
        "apiUrl" : "forms/permissible-values",
        "selectProp" : "value",
        "displayProp" : "value",
        "queryParams" : {
          "dynamic" : { },
          "static" : {
            "formName" : "participantInfoForm",
            "controlName" : "DD20"
    }, {
      "name" : "cpr.participant.extensionDetail.attrsMap.ST29",
      "caption" : "Please specify other Hospital",
      "type" : "text",
      "optional" : true
    }, {
      "name" : "cpr.participant.extensionDetail.attrsMap.DD13",
      "caption" : "Obstetrician",
      "type" : "dropdown",
      "optional" : true,
      "listSource" : {
        "apiUrl" : "forms/permissible-values",
        "selectProp" : "value",
        "displayProp" : "value",
        "queryParams" : {
          "dynamic" : { },
          "static" : {
            "formName" : "participantInfoForm",
            "controlName" : "DD13"
      "showIf" : {
        "op" : "AND",
        "rules" : [ {
          "field" : "cpr.participant.extensionDetail.attrsMap.DD20",
          "op" : "==",
          "value" : "'JHC Private'"
        } ]
    }, {
      "name" : "cpr.participant.deathDate",
      "caption" : "Deceased Date",
      "type" : "date",
      "optional" : true,
      "showIf" : {
        "op" : "AND",
        "rules" : [ {
          "field" : "cpr.participant.vitalStatus",
          "op" : "==",
          "value" : "'Deceased'"
        } ]
      "showInOverviewIf" : "useShowIf"
    }, {
      "name" : "cpr.participant.extensionDetail.attrsMap.DD5",
      "caption" : "ORIGINS Study Status",
      "type" : "dropdown",
      "optional" : true,
      "listSource" : {
        "apiUrl" : "forms/permissible-values",
        "selectProp" : "value",
        "displayProp" : "value",
        "queryParams" : {
          "dynamic" : { },
          "static" : {
            "formName" : "participantInfoForm",
            "controlName" : "DD5"
    }, {
      "name" : "cpr.participant.extensionDetail.attrsMap.DP6",
      "caption" : "Date of withdrawal",
      "type" : "date",
      "optional" : true,
      "showIf" : {
        "op" : "AND",
        "rules" : [ {
          "field" : "cpr.participant.extensionDetail.attrsMap.DD5",
          "op" : "==",
          "value" : "'Withdrawn'"
        } ]
      "showInOverviewIf" : "!!cpr.participant.extensionDetail.attrsMap.DP6"
    }, {
      "name" : "cpr.participant.extensionDetail.attrsMap.DD7",
      "caption" : "Level of Withdrawal",
      "type" : "dropdown",
      "optional" : true,
      "showIf" : {
        "op" : "AND",
        "rules" : [ {
          "field" : "cpr.participant.extensionDetail.attrsMap.DD5",
          "op" : "==",
          "value" : "'Withdrawn'"
        } ]
      "listSource" : {
        "apiUrl" : "forms/permissible-values",
        "selectProp" : "value",
        "displayProp" : "value",
        "queryParams" : {
          "dynamic" : { },
          "static" : {
            "formName" : "participantInfoForm",
            "controlName" : "DD7"
      "showInOverviewIf" : "!!cpr.participant.extensionDetail.attrsMap.DD7"
    }, {
      "name" : "cpr.participant.extensionDetail.attrsMap.DP8",
      "caption" : "Date Samples Destroyed",
      "type" : "date",
      "optional" : true,
      "showIf" : {
        "op" : "AND",
        "rules" : [ {
          "field" : "cpr.participant.extensionDetail.attrsMap.DD5",
          "op" : "==",
          "value" : "'Withdrawn'"
        }, {
          "field" : "cpr.participant.extensionDetail.attrsMap.DD7",
          "op" : "==",
          "value" : "'No further follow-up with samples destroyed'"
        } ]
      "showInOverviewIf" : "!!cpr.participant.extensionDetail.attrsMap.DP8"
    }, {
      "name" : "cpr.participant.extensionDetail.attrsMap.RB9",
      "caption" : "Has the mother consented to DNA analysis?",
      "type" : "radio",
      "optional" : true,
      "options" : [ "Yes", "No" ]
    }, {
      "name" : "cpr.participant.extensionDetail.attrsMap.DD11",
      "caption" : "Enrolment Gestation",
      "type" : "dropdown",
      "optional" : true,
      "listSource" : {
        "apiUrl" : "forms/permissible-values",
        "selectProp" : "value",
        "displayProp" : "value",
        "queryParams" : {
          "dynamic" : { },
          "static" : {
            "formName" : "participantInfoForm",
            "controlName" : "DD11"
    }, {
      "name" : "cpr.participant.extensionDetail.attrsMap.TA14",
      "caption" : "Comments",
      "type" : "textarea",
      "optional" : true
    }, {
      "name" : "cpr.participant.extensionDetail.attrsMap.DD15",
      "caption" : "Mother Consent Form Level",
      "type" : "dropdown",
      "optional" : true,
      "listSource" : {
        "apiUrl" : "forms/permissible-values",
        "selectProp" : "value",
        "displayProp" : "value",
        "queryParams" : {
          "dynamic" : { },
          "static" : {
            "formName" : "participantInfoForm",
            "controlName" : "DD15"
    }, {
      "name" : "cpr.participant.extensionDetail.attrsMap.MLB16",
      "caption" : "Is the mother part of Nested Study?",
      "type" : "dropdown",
      "multiple" : true,
      "optional" : true,
      "listSource" : {
        "apiUrl" : "forms/permissible-values",
        "selectProp" : "value",
        "displayProp" : "value",
        "queryParams" : {
          "dynamic" : { },
          "static" : {
            "formName" : "participantInfoForm",
            "controlName" : "MLB16"
    }, {
      "name" : "cpr.participant.extensionDetail.attrsMap.ST30",
      "caption" : "SYMBA ID",
      "type" : "date",
      "optional" : true,
      "showInOverviewIf" : "!!cpr.participant.extensionDetail.attrsMap.ST30"
    }, {
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      "rule" : "cpr.participant.extensionDetail.attrsMap.MLB16.indexOf('PREGGNUT') > -1",
      "events" : [ "30WK", "20WK", "28WK", "36WK", "Birth", "2M", "4M", "6M", "1Y", "3Y", "5Y", "Preg4Mnth" ]
    }, {
      "rule" : "cpr.participant.extensionDetail.attrsMap.MLB16.indexOf('BENEFIT') > -1",
      "events" : [ "30WK", "20WK", "28WK", "36WK", "Birth", "2M", "4M", "6M", "1Y", "3Y", "5Y", "Ben4Mnth" ]
    }, {
      "rule" : "cpr.participant.extensionDetail.attrsMap.DD15 == 'Full ORIGINS Project Participation'",
      "events" : [ "30WK", "20WK", "28WK", "36WK", "Birth", "2M", "4M", "6M", "1Y", "3Y", "5Y" ]
    }, {
      "rule" : "cpr.participant.extensionDetail.attrsMap.DD15 == 'Routine Data Collection'",
      "events" : [ "30WK" ]
    }, {
      "rule" : "cpr.participant.extensionDetail.attrsMap.DD15 == 'Release of Australian Govt Data only'",
      "events" : [ "None" ]
    }, {
      "rule" : "cpr.participant.extensionDetail.attrsMap.DD15 == null && cpr.participant.extensionDetail.attrsMap.MLB16== null",
      "events" : [ "None" ]
    } ]
}, {
  "name" : "participant-list-view",
  "view" : null,
  "ctrl" : null,
  "data" : {
    "columns" : [ {
      "expr" : "Participant.ppid",
      "caption" : "ORIGINS Pregnancy Number",
      "metainfo" : {
        "showLink" : "true"
    }, {
      "expr" : "Participant.customFields.participantInfoForm.oRIGINSUniqueID",
      "caption" : "ORIGINS Unique ID"
    }, {
      "expr" : "Participant.regDate",
      "caption" : "Registration Date"
    }, {
      "expr" : "Participant.customFields.participantInfoForm.participantStudyStatus",
      "caption" : "Participant Study Status"
    }, {
      "expr" : "Participant.customFields.participantInfoForm.participantConsentFormLevel",
      "caption" : "Participant Consent Form Level"
    }, {
      "expr" : "concat(years_between(current_date(), Participant.dateOfBirth), \" yrs\")",
      "caption" : "Age"
    } ],
    "criteria" : " exists",
    "orderBy" : [ {
      "expr" : "Participant.regDate",
      "direction" : "desc"
    } ],
    "filters" : [ {
      "expr" : "Participant.ppid",
      "caption" : "ORIGINS Pregnancy Number",
      "searchType" : "contains"
    }, {
      "expr" : "Participant.customFields.participantInfoForm.oRIGINSUniqueID",
      "caption" : "Unique ID"
    }, {
      "expr" : "Participant.customFields.participantInfoForm.participantStudyStatus",
      "caption" : "Participant Study Status"
    }, {
      "expr" : "Participant.customFields.participantInfoForm.participantConsentFormLevel",
      "caption" : "Participant Consent Form Level"
    }, {
      "expr" : "Participant.regDate",
      "caption" : "Registration Date"
    }, {
      "expr" : "years_between(current_date(), Participant.dateOfBirth)",
      "caption" : "Age",
      "temporal" : "true",
      "metainfo" : {
        "phi" : "true"
    } ]
}, {
  "name" : "specimenTree",
  "view" : null,
  "ctrl" : null,
  "data" : {
    "defaultExpandDepth" : 0,
    "fields" : [ {
      "name" : "specimen",
      "caption" : "Description",
      "type" : "specimen-description",
      "width" : "30%"
    }, {
      "name" : "specimen.label",
      "baseField" : "specimen.label",
      "width" : "20%"
    }, {
      "name" : "specimen.storageLocation",
      "baseField" : "specimen.storageLocation",
      "width" : "20%"
    }, {
      "name" : "specimen.availableQty",
      "baseField" : "specimen.availableQty",
      "caption" : "Volume",
      "width" : "10%"
    } ]
}, {
  "name" : "specimen-list-view",
  "view" : null,
  "ctrl" : null,
  "data" : {
    "columns" : [ {
      "expr" : "Specimen.label",
      "caption" : "Label",
      "metainfo" : {
        "showLink" : "true"
    }, {
      "expr" : "Specimen.createdOn",
      "caption" : "Created On"
    }, {
      "expr" : "Specimen.type",
      "caption" : "Type"
    }, {
      "expr" : "Specimen.availableQty",
      "caption" : "Quantity",
      "metainfo" : {
        "showUnit" : "true",
        "measure" : "quantity"
    }, {
      "expr" : "concat(Specimen.specimenPosition.containerName, concat_ws(\"\", concat(\" (\", Specimen.specimenPosition.formattedPos, \")\")))",
      "caption" : "Location"
    } ],
    "criteria" : "Specimen.collectionStatus = \"Collected\" and Specimen.activityStatus = \"Active\"",
    "orderBy" : [ {
      "expr" : "Specimen.createdOn",
      "direction" : "desc"
    } ],
    "filters" : [ {
      "expr" : "Specimen.label",
      "caption" : "Label",
      "searchType" : "contains"
    }, {
      "expr" : "Specimen.lineage",
      "caption" : "Lineage"
    }, {
      "expr" : "Specimen.createdOn",
      "caption" : "Created On"
    }, {
      "expr" : "Specimen.type",
      "caption" : "Type"
    }, {
      "expr" : "Specimen.availableQty",
      "caption" : "Quantity"
    } ]
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