- Download existing system workflow settings using below API:
GET $APP_URL/rest/ng/config-settings/files?module=biospecimen&property=sys_workflows
This will return JSON array with each element representing configuration for a workflow / feature. - Prepare the locking fields configuration as illustrated in above section
- Upload edited system workflows file using HTTP POST multipart form data request as illustrated below
POST $APP_URL/rest/ng/config-settings/files
Content-Type: multipart/form-data
Multipart request containing file contents attached to variable "file"
The API will return file ID like below for use in subsequent API4e0db682-ec8d-4ca6-be30-9239e78127e8_system-workflows-9.json
- Using the response of API in step #3, associate the uploaded file as system workflows setting using below API
PUT $APP_URL/rest/ng/config-settings
Content-Type: application/json
"module": "biospecimen",
"property": "sys_workflows",
"value": "4e0db682-ec8d-4ca6-be30-9239e78127e8_system-workflows-9.json"
You can refer to the sample json for locking fields