
Column Name

Data typeMandatory?


Permissible ValuesValidations
System auto generated unique number for every visit

CP Short TitleStringYesCollection Protocol of the visit to be added
Should be existing and unique within OS
PPIDStringYesThe participant for whom this visit is being created.
Existing PPID.
Event LabelStringNoEvent Point Label from the protocol for which this event corresponds. E.g. baseline, surgery, etc.
In v3.4, if left blank, system will add visit with event label as 'Unplanned Visit'
NameStringDependsName of the visit. Mandatory if the auto label generation set to OFF
Should be unique within OS
Visit DateDateNo

US format: MM-DD-YYYY


In v3.4, if left blank, system will add current date by default

Visit SiteStringNo
Valid site nameIn v3.4, if left blank, system will add recent visit site
Visit StatusStringNo
Complete, PendingIn v3.4, if left blank, system will add Complete status
Clinical DiagnosisStringNo

Permissible Values File - SNOMED

Permissible Values File - ICD 10

In v3.4, if left blank, system will display Not specified
Clinical StatusStringNo
'No Diagnosis / Control' /New Diagnosis /Pre-Therapy /Post-Therapy /Pre-Operative /Operative /Post-Operative /Remission /Relapse, Primary Site /Relapse, Distant Site /Relapse, Not Specified /Not SpecifiedIn v3.4, if left blank, system will display Not specified
Path. NumberStringNoSurgical Pathology Number
In v3.4, if left blank, system will display Not specified
Pathology Report NameStringNoMedical document written by pathologist

Missed ReasonStringNoReason for missed visitBeyond processing time/ Insufficient sample collected / available/ Laboratory error/ Patient declined collection/ Poor sample quality/ Sample damaged/ Sample not collected by clinic / Clinic error/ Visit cancelledIn v3.4, if left blank, system will display Not specified

Activity StatusStringNo
ActiveShould be 'Active' when adding a visit
Missed By#Email AddressStringNo
