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To setup set up a cron job for daily database backup follow the steps mentioned below

  1. Create a file using command - vi
  2. On the vim, editor screen enter the command for database backup and to delete files older than 30 days

    Code Block
    mysqldump -u<user> -p<password> --single-transaction --skip-lock-tables --routines database name > /backup directory path/OPENSPECIMEN_`date +\%d-\%m-\%Y`.SQL
    find /home/daily-database-backup/ -mtime +30 -exec rm {} \;

  3. Create a cron job with the command :  crontab -e

  4. This will open a crontab (cron configuration file) and the format of the job should be as follows.

    minute hour day-of-month month day-of-week <path to the file>

    This is an example file to take database backup nightly everyday every day at 11:59

    Code Block
    59 23 * * * /home/


It will take the backup of database daily and also delete files older then than 30 days


Code Block
@echo off


echo Exporting OpenSpecimen database dump...


set backupFilename=OPENSPECIMEN_%DATE:~7,2%-%DATE:~4,2%-%DATE:~10,4%.SQL


mysqldump -uroot -py4txhySc --routines --result-file="path of database backup directory\%backupFilename%" <name of the databse>


set backupfldr=path of database backup directory


set retaindays=30


Forfiles -p %backupfldr% -s -m *.SQL -d -%retaindays% -c "cmd /c del /q @path"


echo Done!
