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Comment: SI: 1. Added 'Disable email notif per user' section 2. Added TOC.

Table of Contents


OpenSpecimen sends email notifications to users of the system on various operations. For this to be enabled, system administrator has to configure the email settings through user interface.


UserUser Sign On RequestThis email notification is sent when new users sign in for user account from OpenSpecimen login page.System administrator
UserUser Creation or User Request ApprovalThis email notification is sent when new users sign in request is approved or rejected or administrator creates a new user. Email contains login details.New User
OrderOrder DistributionThis email notification is sent when an order is processed
  1. Order creator
  2. Requester
QueryShare Query FolderThis email notification is sent when a query folder is shared with user/s. Email contains direct link to access the query folder and requires user to login to access it.User/s with whom query folder was shared
QueryExport Large Query Result Data(>10000 rows)This email notification is sent when user exports query results which have large result set > 10000 records. Email contains link to download the exported data. User needs to sign in before downloading the data.User who exported query results data
UserReset PasswordWhen user requests for new password, a password reset link is sent to the user. Only the user who requested can access the link and it expires after 1 day.User who requested for reset password
ListShare Specimen ListThis email notification is sent when a specimen list is shared with user/s. Email contains direct link to access the specimen list and requires user to login to access it.User/s to whom specimen list was shared
UserRoles UpdateEmail notification is sent when any user's role is changed or updated. Email contains details of the user's updated role.User who's role is updated

Disable email notification per user

New in v6.3! At times, customer might want to disable all email notification to specific users. (Even when they're non-contact users)

This is now possible via a radio button in the user page. Follow the below steps to disable email notification per user.


  1. Go to Home → Users → Click on any user.
  2. Click Edit → Select 'Yes' under 'Disable Notifications?'
    1. Image Added
  3. Click Update.


Email notification will be sent despite the above setting in the following cases:

  1. User clicks on forgot password.

  2. User account is locked by unsuccessful login attempts.

  3. User account password is expired.

  4. User account is locked because of inactivity.

  5. In case of an Email Announcement.

  6. New user is created.


By default, new users created will have 'Disable Notification' as disabled.