Downloading jar file: (Email to support@krishagni.com for downloading the jar file)
Security Best Practices
Ensure the 'Print User' in OpenSpecimen does not have the 'Superadmin' role. Ideally, this user should be a 'Regular' user with no roles assigned.
In the user profile for the 'Print User,' set the 'Manage Print Jobs' permission to "Yes."
Restrict the allowed IP addresses to those originating from within your organization (IP ranges are acceptable).
Configure the email notifications to be sent to a valid and monitored mailbox. We suggest using an email alias to ensure that critical notifications like password expiry, resets, or errors are not overlooked.
How to run the program?
Navigate to os-print-client directory.
Configure the printer.properties file.
Command to run the program:
java -Dconf=printer.properties -jar os-printer-client-1.1.0.jar